Memories Of The Alhambra
알함브라 궁전의 추억
tvN (2018-19) 16 Episodes
Science Fiction, Melodrama, Romance
Grade: B, K-drama Review by Jill, USA
Warning: Spoilers



Answer: The Most Stupid, Uninspired, Unsatisfying,
Ending In The History Of Korean Dramas!!!
Because of this
totally stupid ending with no closure for the audience
whatsoever this
show dropped from an A to a B (and I'm being generous because
of the actors involved)
I should have known
better than to be too trusting of the writer of this
science fiction drama Memories Of The Alhambra
(2018-19), Song Jae Jeong --
for she wrote the disappointing W
science fiction K-drama, which I also gave a lukewarm
grade to a few years back. She is a very messy writer in
my book, her dramas are way too violent for my taste,
they go off on nonsensical tangents and lose what should
be their main message or moral (and all the best stories
have an underlying moral to them), and they leave the
audience with unanswered questions at the end which
frustrate them; when you are devoting 16 or 20
hours of your life watching a television drama you do
NOT want to be left hanging for ANY reason at the end.
Most K-dramas do not get sequels, so Korean drama
writers must give viewers definite endings, or
give up writing altogether because they are not worthy
of the craft. Sad or happy endings are fine, but leaving
an audience with open endings is anathema to good story
telling. Imagine if Charlotte Bronte wrote the end of Jane
Eyre so that we had no idea if Jane and Rochester
ever got together. Imagine Jane Austen writing the end
of Pride and Prejudice and not telling us
whether Lizzie and Darcy got together in the end. No one
would have remembered their stories, they would have
been lost to time due to readers' frustration and
And will they PLEASE stop using time jumps in the last
episodes of dramas? They are so frustrating, such lazy
ways of ending K-dramas! "One Year Later" ... "Two Years
Later" ... etc. Enough! When these occur the audience is
always cheated of necessary information on the
characters' growth in the interim. When I see these time
jumps in last episodes I immediately lower the grade to
any K-drama that uses it as a plot device.
I gave this drama a chance because I've
loved its two main stars for years, Hyun Bin (Secret
Garden, The
Snow Queen, Hyde
Jekyll and I) and Park Shin Hye (Tree
Of Heaven, Flower
Boys Next Door, You're
Beautiful). It started off interesting, the
two actors surprised me by having some decent chemistry
together, especially for the first seven or so episodes
where they filmed on a romantic location in Spain, but
then when the action returned to Korea and Seoul the
story quickly fell apart and became dull:
it shoved constant senseless violence in our faces, and
the violence was always of the same kind - two
characters trying to kill each other in a virtual world
of constant torturous pain. It was redundant and so
boring I kept finding myself fast forwarding through all
the violent scenes because they were so tiresome to
watch. You'd hear THAT PIECE, the guitar piece Memories
of the Alhambra, and suddenly there would
be the killer again. Since he was supposed to be dead HE
there would have been no story). Aigoo!
The Basic Story:
After receiving sudden, strange emails
and a desperate telephone call from a young game
inventor named Jung Se Ju (Park Chanyeol, Roommate, EXO
Next Door), regarding a groundbreaking AR
game centered around medieval battles taking place in
Spain, Yoo Jin Woo (Hyun Bin), CEO of an investment
company that specializes in making contact lenses which
allow people to see into a virtual world, travels to
Granada, Spain to meet this young creator of the video
game. Jin Woo desperately wants to buy the rights to the
developed software from the young genius game inventor
before any other similar company can get to him.
The Young Inventor Se Ju
However, Se Ju has gone missing (and the audience is led
to believe he has been shot on a train by someone
chasing him, even though his fellow passenger in the
next bed stays asleep through the noise of the gun!),
and while in Granada, Jin Woo meets his older sister
Jung Hee Joo (Park Shin Hye), owner of the run down
hostel he stays in. At first Jin Woo is not aware of the
personal connection between them, and he ends up
insulting the hard working Hee Joo, telling her that the
hostel is an embarrassing place to stay because
everything is so run down, even the electrical wires and
bathrooms. She counters by saying she told him when she
first met him about the condition of the hostel and that
someone of his obvious wealth should go stay at a fancy
hotel instead, but since Se Ju had specifically
mentioned he stayed at this hostel in the past Jin Woo
is determined to stay there in the hopes of meeting him.
Once Jin Woo discovers that they are brother and sister
he really wants to take advantage of that connection and
starts being nice to Hee Joo instead, even offering to
buy the place from her so she and her family could
return to Korea if they wanted to; Hee Joo
decides to take his generous offer and they seem to
become closer, though Hee Joo still remains in the dark
for quite some time about what Jin Woo's real intentions
are regarding her family, and more specifically her
genius younger brother.
While in Granada Jin Woo ends up
experiencing the experimental prototype of the game
first hand by wearing the special contact lenses his
company has invested in: people start attacking
him who look like medieval warriors, and he has to fight
back with magical swords to destroy his enemies. It
begins to be addictive to Jin Woo to enter this world,
almost to the point where he begins to lose his grip on
reality: the border between the real world and
the medieval AR world built by the missing Se Ju begins
to blur for Jin Woo, and he even ends up hospitalized
after going off the deep end by killing his surrogate
"brother" while both are in the virtual world of the
game, a man named Cha Hyung
Seok (Park Hoon), who had been his main rival in
business and love as well. Hyung
Seok had even gone after Jin Woo's first wife Lee Soo
Jin (Lee Si Won) and impregnated her, which of course
had resulted in their divorce. Hyung Seok's dead body is
found on a park bench and because there is no sign
medically about what killed him Jin Woo is never charged
with murder, although the police seem to want to keep a
close eye on him as a possible suspect.
Apparently distraught at being killed
by Jin Woo, Hyung Seok's ghost keeps reappearing
suddenly and trying to kill Jin Woo in their new shared
virtual world; over and over and over again Hyung
Seok wields his sword and other weapons toward Jin Woo,
and every time it happens Jin Woo seems to go more and
more insane fighting him off. Meanwhile, Hee Joo starts
falling in love with Jin Woo against her better
judgment. She is just too compassionate for her own
good. She can see he needs someone to care about him, to
try and save him from himself. Jin Woo keeps warning her
he is not a nice person, but Hee Joo brushes his
assertions off.
Even when his SECOND wife shows up at the hospital, a
popular actress who is flighty and selfish and who is
divorcing him, Hee Joo continues to protect Jin Woo and
direct the silly woman away from him. Jin Woo has enough
on his plate mentally to deal with two ex-wives and
their tantrums effectively. Also in the wings, with
dubious intentions toward Jin Woo, is the father of the
dead Hyung Seok, Cha Byung
Jun (Kim Eui Sung) who outwardly shows compassion to his
son's killer, but who is in reality trying to kill him
too in a secret revenge plot.
In a virtual world you never
know what to expect:
even an eagle can become an enemy, or
Jin Woo and Hee Joo eventually end up
back in Korea, and lo and behold, her game inventor
brother finally shows up! Turns out he was never killed,
we were just seeing a virtual world occurring on that
train as well. By this time I was seriously becoming
jaded and bored with this drama. Little made sense
anymore, just like the drama W
became fractured and boring, and Jin Woo should have
simply turned away from that virtual technology
altogether and attained a normal life with the woman who
loved him. However we are never quite sure whether Jin
Woo actually loves Hee Joo or not; he seems more
enamored of a strange female vision who looks just like
her, named Emma, who appears before him playing the
classical guitar, and of course it's the same piece that
always starts up when Hyung Seok's virtual ghost
re-appears ready to kill him, again, and again, and
again. She ends up stabbing Jin Woo in a church (!) and
now he is stuck in the virtual world just like Hyung
Seok. Will he ever be able to get out?
Well, don't stay tuned, because the
writer of this drama leaves it open with the last frozen
frame of the drama, shown at the top of this page:
Jin Woo's dark shadow and no Hee Joo in sight. Ugh! It
wouldn't have been as horrible an ending if they had
shown Park Shin Hye's character at least approaching Jin
Woo's character, seeing him in his virtual world, with
the intent to rescue him from it, if possible, but they
don't even do that! Ridiculous. Who knows if
there will ever be a sequel? The writer should have
given us a definite ending, and should have made it
clear to the audience that too much of a reliance on
video games can be unhealthy to people who immerse
themselves in it. There was no moral message like that,
just continuous gratuitous violence made to look cool
and even sexy, until it took over the whole show. I
would never bother re-watching this, even though I love
the actors. There's only so much bad writing I can take.