Angel's Last
Mission: Love
천사의 마지막 임무 : 사랑
KBS (2019) 32 Episodes
Romance, Fantasy, Ballet, Grade: A
Korean Drama Review by
Jill, USA
Overall I very much enjoyed
this fantasy romance story, Angel's Last Mission:
Love (2019). It was at times mystical,
spiritual, poignant, artistic, exquisitely
photographed, and boasted a very nice and at times
haunting OST which included some lovely classical
music selections. It was well cast, with serious
actress Shin Hye Sun (Hymn
Of Death and Legend
Of The Blue Sea) paired with up and coming
Kim Myung Soo (aka L from Master's
Sun and Ruler:
Master Of The Mask) and they had sweet
chemistry together. It also featured one of my long
time favorite actors Lee Dong Gun (Stained
Glass, Lovers
In Paris, Super
Daddy 10) as second male lead, but the way
the writer handled his role in this drama (or rather
mishandled it) is the reason why I graded this drama
an A instead of an A+, despite its other fine
All along I felt the writer Choi Yoon Kyo, with only
one prior drama on her resume, made a big misstep by
not making Lee Dong Gun's character a more dashing
Svengali type of character who sought to control Shin
Hye Sun's character with an iron grip because he was
secretly, madly in love with her. (In fact some of the
early trailers for this show made him appear he would
be this type of Svengali character). He certainly
looked handsome enough to qualify! Many times in this
drama he looked younger than he did when he was making
his earliest dramas!
Lee Dong Gun 15 Years Apart
However, the writer
ended up making his character rather milquetoast,
thereby missing a golden opportunity to show the new
young K-drama fans out there what the far more
experienced Korean actors in their mid to late 30's
are capable of. Instead she substituted the main
female character's jealous relatives as the baddies,
instead of making Lee Dong Gun's character the main
foil to the young lovers' relationship. Sigh.
Too many Korean drama writers, it seems to me, are
pressured into ending every K-drama today happily,
shows tied with a pink ribbon at the end, just because
they are afraid if they don't that the new,
inexperienced K-drama fans out there will attack the
show and call it a failure. I hope that future Korean
drama writers are brave enough to risk sad or even
ambivalent endings for the sake of Artistry, instead
of pat superficiality; writers like Lee Kyoung Hee who
wrote the I'm
Sorry, I Love You and A
Love To Kill classics with Shakespearean Romeo
and Juliet endings. People STILL wax eloquently
about these dramas years after they were made because
this writer flouted convention and dared to give her
dramas sad endings when appropriate.
We are introduced in flashback to a famous ballerina
named Lee Yeon Seo (Shin Hye Sun) performing on
stage, when a terrible "accident" occurs: a
chandelier mysteriously breaks apart from above, a
la Phantom of The Opera, plunging glass into
her eyes and blinding her. We then skip ahead in
time and see her totally blind, struggling to find
meaning in her now empty life, since she can no
longer dance due to her blindness.
She is a rich heiress and lives in a mansion with
servants, but is constantly mean to them because she
is now miserable. (It was rather funny for me to see
that the production used the same exact mansion that
was used in the masterpiece That
Winter, The Wind Blows, in which actress
Song Hye Kyo also played a rich blind heiress!). She
has two, often abused, main caregivers, a patient
housekeeper named Jung Yumi (Woo Hee Jin) who remains sincerely fond
of her despite much abuse hurled at her head, and a
devoted male secretary named Jo Seung Hwan (the memorable veteran actor
Jang Hyun Sung from While
You Were Sleeping and scores of other
dramas) whom her late parents had hired as a
chauffeur when she was a child. The only family Yeon
Seo now has are hardly loving to her, which
contributes to her misery, her ambitious aunt Choi Young
Ja (Do Ji Won) and two girl cousins, Geum Ni Na (Kim Bo Mi) and
Geum Ru Na (Gil Eun Hye), plus an oafish, useless,
push-over "uncle" Kim Ki Cheon (Kim Seung Wook).
They are all secretly thrilled Yeon Seo is blind and
they hope to take over the running of the famous
ballet corp that Yeon Seo had been head ballerina of
at the time of her "accident".

day a male angel (the only kind there are in the
Bible) named Kim Dan (Kim Myung Soo) enters Yeon
Seo's life: his heavenly mission is to find
someone who can give her true love, since her life
is so empty now and unfulfilled. Yeon Seo is too
unhappy to even care if she lives or dies (or so
she thinks). Then a terrible car accident on a
bridge which ends up killing her male secretary
Seung Hwan, the only father figure she has in her
life, makes her realize how much she wants to live
after all, and makes her also realize how much she
had cared about this loving father surrogate who
had taken care of her after her parents had died.
The angel Kim Dan rescues Yeon Seo and then later
appears in human form to her, making himself so
useful to her in such a short time that he
basically begins to fill the shoes, so to speak,
of the male secretary who had died. He is hired as
her secretary and over time the two grow closer.
The Jealous Ni Na & Her
Rotten Family
Cause All Kinds Of Trouble for Yeon Seo
Then Yeon Seo
finally gets a transplant operation so she can see
again, with his donated eyes that Seung Hwan had
left her in his will, and her life is changed for
the better. At least for the time being, until she
tries to gain control of the ballet corp once
again and begins to dance again. This causes her
cousin ballerina Ni Na to be even more jealous of
her success, and also green with envy that the
head ballet master, handsome Ji Kang Woo (Lee Dong
Gun), seems to be enamored of Yeon Seo and not
her. Watching from the sidelines is spiteful aunt
Young Ra, who wants control of the ballet corp,
and Ni Na's psycho-nut sister Ru Na, who seems
perfectly capable of trying to hurt or kill
someone to get what she wants: professional
success for ballerina sister Ni Na, and the
destruction of Yeon Seo (she's tried to do it
before, hint, hint!).
ballet corp begins preparations to put on the
ballet Giselle, but with a different,
more modern spin to it. Both Yeon Seo and Ni
Na audition for the lead role and of course
Yeon Seo clinches it. This sets in motion the
insane plot by wacko Ru Na to completely
destroy Yeon Seo once and for all, so that her
sister Ni Na can get the glory as lead
ballerina in the production. However, Dan the
Angel is onto her game, with the help of his
male angel assistant named Hoo (Kim In Kwon).
Can he stop the evil Ru Na in time, or will
Yeon Seo's life be on the precipice of
disaster once again?
Sometimes we are led to believe that Angel Dan
and Ballerina Yeon Seo are destined to be
together, since they had even met as children
(that tried and true old K-drama cliche of
having the characters meet as children, only
to be separated and find one another again
later in adulthood, not recognizing each other
... at first). Then again it's made clear here
that God will have the final say if they are
to have a future together, or not.
True love had
smitten Yeon Seo and Dan during her
recuperation period, and they even plan on
getting married, both knowing that their time
together may be short, since Yeon Seo now
knows he is an angel. (I have to say the
beautiful dog in the wedding scene stole the
show for me, dog lover that I am! LOL). But
will Heaven think that Dan had failed in his
heavenly mission to find a human lover for
Yeon Seo? Or will they give him a second
chance at life and love, giving him a human
body, to live once and for all as a human
being, alongside Yeon Seo, until they both die
of old age?
If you like
true romance stories, beautiful music, and a
set of conniving characters trying to block
the happiness of the main principal
characters, then THIS is your K-drama of first
choice. It may be a bit predictable for the
long term K-drama fan, but those relatively
new to the genre will no doubt think this is
The Cat's Meow. Check it out and see if you
like it. Only you can make that determination,
despite what any reviewer or critic has to