지금은 연애중
(2002) SBS 16 Episodes
Romantic Comedy Classic, Grade: B+

Korean Drama Review by Alison, USA
Featuring early career
performances of two of my favorite South Korean actors
- So Jisub and Kwon Sang Woo - the charming K-drama We
Are Dating Now (2002) is a delightful change of pace
from the more melodramatic series that I generally gravitate
toward. From the first episode, I was hooked on its engaging
characters and somewhat whimsical story line as well as its
emphasis on ordinary, relatable people and their families.
Its leading actress, Chae Rim, was already familiar to me as
the good girl lead in All
About Eve, and in We Are Dating Now she
is even more endearing -- like a Korean Sandra Dee.
What is this drama about? Unlike other dramas I've watched,
We Are Dating Now has a very simple plot line. It is
not so much what happens in the story, but more what happens
to the characters we are introduced to. Primarily, the
series focuses on the difficult path to finding true love,
finding yourself, and balancing the need to be independent
but with loyalty to family as well. Most of us can surely
relate to that! The story is told mostly from the
perspective of its bubbly heroine, Ho Jung Yoon (Chae Rim). She is an
idealistic, warm-hearted young girl who persists in loving
not wisely but too well. Her family consists of her
overbearing mother (Kim Young Ae who recently died, RIP),
the primary breadwinner in the family who drives a taxi,
her gentle, hen-pecked father (played with sympathetic
warmth by Han Ji Hee), a wise maternal grandmother, and
younger brother Ho Jae (the wonderful Kwon Sang Woo) who
is an immature charmer here, primarily interested in
finding a rich girlfriend to support him.
Ho Jung has a best friend who is
as close to her as a sister. Su Ji (Lee Eui Jung, a tiny
girl skilled at both comedy and drama), is the studious,
bespectacled only daughter of wealthy parents (mother Eun
Sook Sunwoo, an obstetrician, and lecturer father Hyun Sik
Im, a doting dad who calls his daughter Princess). The two
girls adore each other and their loving bond will resonate
with any woman who has a childhood best friend (as I do in
my friend Jill who created this kdramalove website). Su Ji's
parents love and spoil her, but it has not gone to her head.
Her personality is warm, sympathetic, and generous, but she
is way too soft-hearted for her own good, especially when it
comes to her best friend's brother Ho Jae. He is
infuriatingly selfish, and enjoys teasing her even while
borrowing money from her to take his girlfriends out on
dates - but she is reluctantly drawn to him anyway.
Renting the apartment downstairs
from the Yoons are Kyo In Choi (So Jisub, who as always is a
man you can't take your eyes off) and his hard-working older
sister Kyos Sun (Na Woon Kim). Kyo In is reserved,
intelligent, and can be prickly but he has a good heart and
kind nature. He becomes best friends with Ho Jae and later
forms a bond with Ho Jung as well when he tutors her in
drill instructor type fashion for her college entrance exam.
Theirs is the primary love story in this drama, but
curiously, it is less interesting in its development than
the secondary love story (more on that in a minute).
Instead of falling for Kyo In, the boy next door, Ho Jung
embarks on a series of disappointing and usually one-sided
romances. The earliest one (used to introduce us to Ho Jung
as a little girl) is with a chivalrous classmate named Jeon
Woo. However, this romance is cut short when her family
moves away (winding up in the house where Kyo In and his
sister will later rent out the lower apartment).
Sung Si Kyung,
you can sing to us anytime, baby!
As a teenager, Ho Jung befriends
and develops a huge crush on a serious college student named
Jae Young (played by Sung Si Kyung, in real life an
accomplished singer of K-drama themes and ballads who, with
his gentle face and wire-rimmed glasses, reminded me of Bae
Yong Joon from Winter
Sonata). But Jae Young thinks she is too young
for him and just sees her as a friend, though he does not
exactly discourage her attention either.
Ho Jung is devastated when she learns that he is instead
taken with her classmate Cha-hee (Yoon Young Choi), a bold
and self assured beauty who could not care less if one more
man finds her attractive. The indignant Ho Jung confronts
Cha Hee, impulsively betting her that Jae-young will not
want to have anything to do with her if he learns she is
only a high school student and not in college like himself.
Cha Hee is confident that Jae Young will still be interested
in her no matter what, and she's right - so she wins the bet
with Ho Jung. The surprising development here is that the
encounter between the two girls forges an enduring
"Hello up there!"
Cha Hee is one of the drama's
most intriguing characters, though she remains rather a
cipher. She was born as the result of her mother's affair
with a married man who went back to his wife. After seeing
how her mother was betrayed by a man, Cha Hee has resolved
to keep her heart to herself. Even though she is not
vulnerable to romantic love (at least not yet), she does
long for a good friend. Impressed with Ho Jung's spirit and
strong character, she promises to keep away from any man
that Ho Jung likes in exchange for winning her friendship.
After the Jae Young debacle (which disappoints Su Ji also,
because she was able to vicariously love him too through her
friend's involvement with him), Ho Jung falls for another
young man whose feelings for her are suspect. He is a
struggling student, working several jobs to pay for his
tuition. Ho Jung actually lends him money for school, and he
repays her by taking up with another girl while away at
college. Ho Jung maintains her dignity, but she is beginning
to realize that her trusting nature is not serving her well
in the love department. And sadly, she remains unlucky in
love (and STILL is not being paired with Kyo In). When she
finally meets a man who is more in love with her than she is
with him, he turns out to be an obsessive psycho. (Beware of
men who fall in love at first sight and make too many grand
Once she is able to extricate herself from his irrational
attentions, she is drawn to an older man who owns a
nightclub. He lends her a sympathetic ear when she begins to
realize her feelings for Kyo In, and seems devoted to
winning her affections. However, he too is not what he seems
- as Ho Jung learns when the man's wife kindly advises her
to leave him alone. You get the idea.
Ho Jung eventually stops
looking for romance and focuses on her career, eventually
finding her passion for photography. Although we continue
to root for the engaging Ho Jung, for me the more
satisfying romantic story line was the opposites attract
connection between the serious Su Ji and the frivolous Ho
Jae, who like Romeo and Juliet struggle to come together
despite family opposition from both sides. Ho Jae is
aimless and fun-loving, a handsome ladies' man who treats
Su Ji like a troublesome older sister while she silently
pines for him. One day he offers to take her out and
forgets to show up at the restaurant on time. This is the
straw that breaks the camel's back for Su Ji and she
refuses to speak to him again, despite his badgering her.
The withdrawal of Su Ji's
friendship finally makes him recognize what a truly good and
kind person she is, and to appreciate her attractive
qualities - loyalty, sweetness, and caring - even if she
isn't the prettiest girl in the world. He pulls out all the
stops to win her back, and in the process, the two
acknowledge that they want to be together. However, since Su
Ji's family is wildly disapproving of her having anything to
do with such a slacker type, their romance is conducted in
secret for quite a while. Ultimately, they will wind up
defying their parents to live together, but the path to
romance is never smooth for these two despite their
devotion. Su Ji is willing to wait for Ho Jae to grow up -
little does she know how long that process will take! This
romance is all the more intriguing because it is not clear
whether Ho Jae ever will rise the occasion, and along the
way, a more appropriate suitor comes along to tempt her away
from him. Su Ji becomes a dentist, and when a colleague
declares himself to her, she is tempted to please her
parents and marry him. (I found myself rooting for this guy
too, a mature man instead of the childish Ho Jae). Will Ho
Jae ever become the man she deserves? He seems to try hard,
but we are never quite sure whether her faith in him is
Let us return to Ho Jung and Kyo In now, since theirs
is the drama's main thwarted romance. She only begins to
realize she is interested in him as more than a friend when
he starts dating the assertive Cha Hee, and she sees them
kissing (a move which Cha Hee initiates and Kyo In is a
little embarrassed by). At that point, Ho Jung is herself
unattached and finds herself surprisingly jealous of their
romance. The simmering attraction for Kyo In now comes
dangerously close to a boil, and Cha Hee decides to try and
put a stop to it. She gives Kyo In an ultimatum to distance
himself from Ho Yung if he wants to continue their
relationship. He complies, but is still secretly carrying a
torch for his friend, while she is disappointed to lose his
company. Ho Jung and Cha Hee have a heart to heart, where
Cha Hee admits how much Kyo In means to her, and being a
good friend, Ho Jung decides to discourage any approach from
Kyo In.
"Two! Two! Two mints in one!" ;)
Eventually, though, Cha Hee
realizes that despite all her efforts, she cannot compete
with Kyo In's feelings for Ho Jung. He is the first man she
has ever really cared for, and her hurt feelings lead her to
detach from her friends. She cuts off all contact with them,
instead focusing on her new career as a flight attendant.
She disappears from the canvas for a while, only to
re-emerge a few years later as a successful fashion model
who will help Ho Jae try to put his own good looks to use by
breaking into that business. Once Cha Hee is out of the
picture, Ho Jung and Kyo In cautiously begin to date, but
their refusal to be completely honest with each other about
their feelings and their equal obstinacy leads to
misunderstanding. When Gu Yin and Ho Jae enter the military
together to fulfill their national service obligation, the
romance between Kyo In and Ho Jung falls apart (not for any
really good reason, but simply because these two do not know
how to talk to each other), while that of Su Ji and Ho Jae
strengthens. This couple are really sweet together. In a
touching scene, Su Ji sneaks out of the house to accompany
Ho Jae to boot camp and is in such a hurry she forgets to
put on any shoes. Ho Jae removes his own shoes for her to
wear temporarily and they go to a store where he buys her a
new pair. She promises to write him a letter every day while
he is away and he is deeply touched to have this loving girl
in his life.
Three years pass as the young men complete their military
service. When Kyo In and Ho Jae return home to resume their
lives, Ho Jae still has no real plans or goals, and Su Ji,
who is now a practicing dentist and working with a handsome
colleague, is beginning to wonder if he will ever be capable
of building a life with her. Ho Jung is busy pursuing her
interest in professional photography. At this time, Cha Hee
also comes back into their lives, more stunning and
inscrutable than ever. Kyo In's career takes off when he
meets a wealthy young entrepreneur whose father has given
him start-up money for his own business and who hires him as
a partner. The two young men become friends, but then, for
the first time, we get one of those truly remarkable
coincidences that are usually prevalent in the average
K-drama when this new friend (Jae Hwang Lee) turns out to be
Ho Jung's first love classmate Jeon In. Kyo In is caught in
the middle when Jeon In and Ho Jung rekindle that early
relationship, though he is much more keen than she is (you
would think he might get the hint since she never really
smiles around him). The love between Kyo In and Ho Jung has
never really died, but they still resist declaring their
Unfortunately, Ho Jung's mother
is delighted that her daughter is being courted by a rich
young man and tries to foster that relationship, further
confusing poor Ho Jung. What's more, Jeon In soon proves to
be that K-drama staple, the other man suitor who refuses to
give up his pursuit even when the lady is obviously not in
love with him. I will not reveal more about the plot,
because there actually is not much of one - you either care
about seeing what happens to these characters or you don't.
I found myself feeling enormous affection for everyone,
though by the last few episodes I became quite exasperated
with the on-again, off-again relationship between Ho Jung
and Kyo In. It was especially frustrating given that there
was primarily manufactured rather than genuine conflict
keeping them apart.
K-dramas warm your heart because the romantic couples are
so committed to being together. In We Are Dating Now,
these two seem determined to find reasons to stay apart.
In contrast, Ho Jae and Su Ji are the real deal, two
people whose love grows stronger as they mature and who
are despite being very different, are just right for each
other. Theirs is the romance to watch, and it is both
funny and touching. There is no real villain here, no real
tension; it is just a nice story told with warmth and
humor. Ho Jung is depicted as a girl whom everyone likes -
and as portrayed by Chae Rim it is easy to see why. Her Ho
Jung is a lovely character, full of spirit, without a mean
bone in her body, and she is just adorable. You would
certainly want her as a friend.
If you can find a more gorgeous
man on the face of the earth
than So Jisub, let us know ladies!
So Jisub is
as always charismatic and extremely attractive as a noble
but conflicted character. He is completely convincing as a
decent young man who just doesn't know if the woman he
loves really feels the same.
Sang Woo Kwon
in his literal flower boy days!
Meanwhile, Kwon Sang Woo is a
hoot, a boisterous puppy full of bluster but also
tenderness. He really excels in the comic scenes and has
great chemistry with So Jisub. In one memorable scene, the
two drunk dial their respective girlfriends Su Ji and Ho
Jung and rant into their cell phones simultaneously as they
declare themselves (in the morning they are mortified and
try to act nonchalant). Lee Eui Jung, who is not a great
beauty even without her glasses, is cute and appealing, and
truly blossoms as Su Ji, taking her from prim teenager to
wise woman in love. She is a person who will do anything for
those she loves. In another funny scene, Ho Jae, who is
trying to forget Su Ji by another girl, remembers how she
sweetly offered him food when they dined together, while the
new girl wants him to feed her because she has just had her
nails done. He shovels food into his own mouth and loudly
tells her to feed herself! :)
All the supporting performances are well done. Yoon Young
Choi as Cha Hee stands out because of her striking looks and
rather stony delivery. She is not the most expressive
actress but she makes the impact she is supposed to in this
role. I loved both the fathers of Ho Jung and Su Ji and
hissed at their overbearing mothers. The entire drama is
light-hearted without a single scene to make you cry - but I
guarantee you will chuckle often. I really enjoyed living in
the world of Ho Jung and her friends for 16 episodes and
missed them when the series was over.