Oh My Ghostess
오 내 여신
tvN | 2015 | 16 Episodes
Ghost Story, Melodrama, Romantic Comedy
Grade: B
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
An amusing ghost
story, with many touches of sentimentality and sadness
around the edges, Oh My Ghostess (2015) sure
seemed to charm a lot of folks who watched it. I was a
bit reluctant to start this drama since I didn't think
the two leads could possibly surpass prior
performances I had seen them give and been amazed by:
for lead actress Park Bo Young that would be her
unforgettable and powerful performance in the
masterpiece film A Werewolf Boy (2012) which I
had bought on DVD several years earlier, sight unseen,
just because the story sounded compelling, and for
leading man Jo Jung Suk that would be his INCREDIBLE
performance as a chivalrous bodyguard to a princess he
loved who became handicapped due to an act of terror,
in the sweeping historical fantasy King
2 Hearts (2012). Men like him who would
stay with a disabled girlfriend or wife are few and
far between in life: one study I read stated
the over 68% of husbands will leave their wives if
they become seriously ill or disabled, and I've seen
this happen in real life time and time again. Not Jo
Jung Suk's character in King
2 Hearts! He was a pleasure to
watch, his constancy was totally endearing.
These prior performances were enshrined in my heart as
unsurpassed works of Art, and while I enjoyed Ghostess
overall, just as I suspected their performances here
could not touch those previous performances with a ten
foot pole. Make that a one hundred foot pole. Some of
that wasn't their fault, they're still great actors:
but the writing was rather uninspired here -- all the
time I watched Ghostess I felt like I was
watching a soup boiling on the stove, with the writers
pouring into the pot many story ingredients seen in
earlier Korean dramas: I saw plot devices from
Prince, Master's
Sun, Pasta,
Are You?, High
School Love On, 49
Days, King
2 Hearts, Mimi,
and the Magistrate, and others! Not to
mention the American film Ghost. We needed
more originality from these writers and less copying
of prior show elements. Plagiarism was strong here.
The Story:
Pretty but dirt poor Bong Sun Na (Park Bo Young)
is a restaurant kitchen cleaner - low level
employee and she has an extremely shy and
depressed personality, plus very low self-esteem.
She lives in a tight dorm room with no window, and
has no close friends; her only
relative is a grandmother who lives far away whom
she keeps in contact with via telephone.
Bong Sun is constantly being reprimanded at her
job at posh Sun Restaurant by the male chefs and
cooks (in a "Yes, Chef!" lineup reminiscent of Pasta,
but without any cute guys like that drama had!),
plus by the owner Sun Woo Kang (Jo Jung Suk) who
can't understand why she keeps falling asleep at
her job. (She sees ghosts, so gets little sleep,
which was a plot detail obviously stolen from
2013's hit Master's
Bong Sun has a
secret crush on Chef Sun Woo, and when she's not
working she runs a computer blog on cooking that
Sun Woo is in the habit of reading during his
off time, not knowing that Bong Sun is the
authoress. Sun Woo is a quiet, reserved type who
hasn't dated since he got his heart broken by
his old college friend So Hyung Lee (Jung Ah
Park) years earlier. So Hyung is currently a
television producer and seems to be interested
in getting back with Sun Woo, but the most that
happens is that she gets him on a cooking
contest show at her station. Their romantic days
are obviously past, although Bong Sun is still
jealous of her and this jealousy will spur her
on to do something later that she ordinarily
would not do: allow her body to be used
by a ghost to get Chef interested in her.
One day Bong Sun, walking along
the street half-asleep, gets possessed by a virgin
ghost named Soon Ae Shin (Seul Gi Kim from Discovery
Of Romance). The reason why she died
is not made completely clear till the last few
episodes. Because she had died before being
intimate with a man she feels compelled to achieve
this goal before she goes on into the afterlife
and she needs another woman's body to achieve this
perverted goal of fornication (sarcasm/
obviously these writers never cracked open a Bible
in their lives to find out that fornication is as
much a sin as adultery, and no soul would go to
heaven if this sin was committed and was not
repented of -- but why concern themselves
with such an important Biblical truth as that?
This is Fiction. /sarcasm).
However, little does Soon Ae know
that playing with peoples' lives and hearts and
bodies can backfire on her, and quite possibly,
her victims as well; she needs some lessons
in humbling, but don't worry, she will get them
eventually. Inside the
body of Bong Sun, Soon Ae takes over her shy
personality and Bong Sun seems to change overnight
to Chef Sun Woo by becoming a strongly confident,
vibrant woman, one who is not averse to
flirtation, jokes, and even strong sexual innuendo
and touching. It takes this behavioral change to
make Chef finally notice her ... which
doesn't exactly make him an exceptional man, just
a typical one, more's the pity. (I am the type to
always look for exceptional men, not average, in
art, entertainment, and in life as well, and
they're often impossible to find!).
The mystery surrounding ghost Soon Ae's death
three years earlier seems somehow to involve Chef
Sun Woo's brother-in-law, police officer Sung Jae
Choi (fine actor Ju Hwan Lim from lovely Tamra
The Island and the haunting The
Snow Queen - I was happy to see him
again looking so healthy after open heart
surgery). On the outside, officer Sung Jae looks
like a nice man, married to a disabled woman in a
wheelchair, Chef's sister, Eun Hee Kang (Hye Sun
Shin). Eun Hee had been the victim of a hit and
run monster and the criminal was unknown. Could it
also have something to do with what happened to
the ghost, Soon Ae, who had died on the same day?
Will Soon Ae ever become more interested in
solving the mystery behind her death, more than
being obsessed with sexual conquests?

Perhaps if Oh My Ghostess had been one of my
first K-dramas I would have been bowled over by it,
but since it was my 172nd K-drama I was looking for
more originality in this story. By episode seven out
of sixteen of Ghostess I could predict
everything that was going to happen ... and I
was right on all counts! Plus, I was a bit troubled by
the female ghost's over-emphasis on sex and "getting
laid" - I hope that phrase in the English subtitles
was due to American translators' crassness rather than
the actual meaning of the Korean words, because that
was distasteful to me. Every time I see stuff like
this in K-dramas, as a mother of five wonderful kids,
I worry they are becoming more and more like junky
American television shows, with an over emphasis on
sex and violence and foul language.
Like the American musical Grease,
with the character of Sandy feeling like she has to
dress and act like a tramp to win a guy's affection,
the ghost's emphasis here on achieving a sexual
experience with a man because she had died too young,
before she could be intimate with anyone, was not
ennobling or even funny to me. I wish the writers had
created another purpose for her to linger between
earth and the afterlife, like finding out who her
murderer was. Young people today are inundated with
sexual imagery on a daily basis from the media. Korean
dramas became popular in the first place in America
because so many people were looking for an alternative
to the usual smut of Hellyweird's entertainment. They
wanted to see love stories like Winter
Sonata where true affection flourished
between two human beings who cared about each other as
people, and not just two bodies in a bed, turning the
lights out indicating sex before marriage, as happens
here in Oh My Ghostess. The writers could
have easily shown a wedding first and
it would have been beautiful: a REAL MAN with
morals, in love with a woman as sincerely as Chef
seemed to care for Bong Sun, would have insisted on
marriage first, sex afterward. There is no point
in even watching Korean dramas if they're not any
different from American television shows.
Okay, I've said my peace about my
reservations, here is what I enjoyed: the slow
building up of the relationship between Bong Sun and
Chef and his eventual grappling with the issue of who
he really loves, the ghost or Bong Sun; the
funny chase scenes between ghost Soon Ae and her
mother substitute shaman, played well by veteran
actress Jung Eun Lee;
ghost Soon Ae confronting her father Myeong Ho
(veteran actor Dae Yeon Lee) who might be going to
heaven due to a medical emergency and telling him to
go back to take care of her brother Gyeong Mo (Hak Joo
Lee) -- even though this scene was strongly
reminiscent of a scene stolen from 49
seeing actor Ju Hwan healthy again and performing a
difficult role as a good guy possessed by a demon, and
the music score, which was often pretty (especially
one piano piece I really liked. I would love to get
the sheet music for that). The humor, when it wasn't
too ribald, I quite enjoyed. Gentle ironic humor is
always better to me rather than sexual humor.
I would recommend Oh My Ghostess but with
reservations that it really isn't appropriate for
anyone sixteen years old or younger. I think I would
have given it closer to an A grade if the sexual humor
was scaled back and more time was devoted to the real
Bong Sun and Chef's romance, as opposed to the ghost's
with Chef, and if we had seen a wedding before them
becoming intimate. No one will want to buy the cow if
they get the milk for free.