109 Strange Things Korean Drama
It's Okay To Not Be Okay
사이코지만 괜찮아
Studio Dragon (2020) 16 Episodes
Family Medical Melodrama, Grade: B-
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
(Some Spoilers)
I really
wanted to like this family medical drama It's Okay
To Not Be Okay (2020) because its male star Kim
Soo Hyun (My
Love From Another Star, Dream
High, Father's
House, etc.) is an actor I have always
enjoyed watching over the years, dating back to his
earliest works when he was first getting into show
biz. This was his first starring role in a drama since
he was released from his military requirement and I
wanted to support his work. It turned out to be far
more difficult for me to do that as the story
progressed. I stayed the course and finished it, but
it felt like enduring a hurting pulled tooth; it's
definitely not his best drama, not by a long shot.
That honor remains with the superlative masterpiece My
Love From Another Star. That one will
stand the test of time, and this one will soon be
forgotten (and I'm sure deep down he knows that, too).
Even the title of this drama makes little sense. If you
were not okay, would you still think that was a
perfectly fine way to continue living your life?
Wouldn't you want to be okay instead? Even the
original title was weird: I'm A Psycho, But That's
Okay. If you were a psycho, would you
consider that to be an okay way to live? I doubt it.
Everyone wants to be normal. Everyone wants to
be okay. The title here should have
been It's Not Okay To Be A Psycho. That at
least would have given these mentally troubled
characters a positive goal to shoot for!
Kim Soo Hyun
The first few episodes
I did rather enjoy, even though I had some
reservations about the story and the characters from
the very start, but as the drama progressed it became
harder and harder for me to tolerate it, or to even
like the characters much. It just became tedious.
Definitely the fault of the writer of the script,
someone who had only written one prior drama, and who
obviously didn't quite know how to create an
exceptional story instead of a superficial, trite,
campy, predictable, frustrating, cliche-ridden one.
There didn't seem to be much real personal growth in
the characters for the majority of the story, either:
people who were all severely wounded mentally,
stemming from their sad, love-starved childhoods (a
favorite theme of many Korean dramas and films). And
of course the three main lead characters knew each
other briefly in childhood. Excuse me if I yawn over
that vastly overused trope as well.
The fact that one of the characters, an adult male,
was severely autistic (actor Oh Jung Se, When
The Camellia Blooms), and not really
receiving proper medical care for his condition,
bothered me quite a bit, since I am a mother who
raised a child on the autism spectrum, and worked very
hard to get that child to finish high school, and even
to get a college degree and become independent. The
autistic-savant character here in this drama had some
artistic talents that could have been a key to help
him live a more normal life, but no one around him,
not even his loving brother played by Kim Soo Hyun,
really encouraged him to develop that talent from
youth in any steady, meaningful way.
Oh Jung Se
Then they threw into
the mix of the two brothers' story a female lead
character, played by Seo Ye Ji (Lawless
Lawyer), who was a total outlandish
nutcase, a profound narcissist who always had to have
things her way or she'd pout and walk off like a
spoiled child. She was a character who should have
been humbled early on in the story, but who was
allowed to trounce upon everyone's feelings for far
too long, acting more like an entitled, nasty rich
princess living in a luxurious tower, rather than a
normal, caring woman with both feet planted firmly on
the ground.
I had found it hard to warm to this actress very much
in Lawless
Lawyer too, at least in the beginning, so
I was prepared to be as patient as possible with
her this time too, but honestly I never really liked
her character at all. I tried, but all along I thought
Kim Soo Hyun's character would have been far
better served by having a helpmeet like the normal
girl who had a crush on him for years, played by the
second female lead, Park Kyu Young, who was a total
sweetie. In real life a couple like the one played by
Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji would never last. They both
were far too troubled in their basic natures. I really
think that the heart of this drama was the two
brothers' story, and that adding a twisted romance
detracted from what could have been a unique and
special K-drama instead. I felt in a similar way about
the 2015 K-drama I
Remember You. In that one the two
brothers' story (Park Bo Gum and Seo In Guk) was far
more interesting than any fluffy romance they
tried to bring into the basic story. Although at least
in that story Jang Nara's character was a normal
working woman, not a rich, entitled witch who wore
ridiculously ornate designer clothes and earrings, and
strutted around like the world owed her a living and
that everyone should serve her because she was just
soooo special and rich. Shudder.

Kim Soo Hyun & Seo Ye Ji
The Story:
Brothers Moon Kang Tae
(Kim Soo Hyun) and Moon Sang Tae (Oh Jung Se) are
loving brothers who have been living and struggling
together basically since childhood when their family
disintegrated. Kang Tae has to especially watch over
his older brother because he is severely autistic
and really requires constant watching so that he
doesn't harm himself. For instance, due to a trauma
in childhood, whenever Sang Tae sees a butterfly he
panics and hides himself from anyone who could help
him, screaming like a tortured animal. It takes Kang
Tae hours to help him to calm down. It's no wonder
the stress of caring for his autistic brother is
overwhelming at times and makes Kang Tae depressed.
As an adult it doesn't help much that he is a
lowly-paid male nurse working in wards of
psychiatric hospitals. All day long Kang
Tae works with mental patients and then
comes back to an apartment to take care of an
autistic brother. Sometimes he has help from his
best friend Jo Jae Soo (Kang Ki Doong) who runs a
fried chicken cafe, but Kang Tae continues to
live a very harsh existence, and one senses someday
he will snap emotionally because of all his burdens.
brother Sang Tae likes the illustrated novels of
a popular children's writer named Ko Moon Young
(Seo Ye Ji). Her stories are dark, with Satanic
imagery galore in them, so the audience is
tipped off ahead of time that she may have a
dark soul and be yet another troubled person in
this story. (Personally I would never allow
my children to read her kind of books, eek!,
to me that would be child abuse!).
Kang Tae tells Sang Tae that he will take him to
see her in person at a book signing, but all
does not go well, and Moon Young and Kang Tae end up having a very
public confrontation.
Despite that, Moon Young seems intrigued by Kang Tae and likes that he is
so handsome. They end up being thrown together
by fate on several other occasions, and then
when Kang Tae moves
with his brother to start work at a different
psychiatric hospital he discovers that he will
end up seeing Moon Young even more frequently
there because Moon Young's own father Ko Dae
Hwan (Lee Eol) is a committed patient there.
Slowly we begin to note that Moon Young does not
like her father very much because in the past he
has tried to kill her and supposedly killed her
mother! She doesn't really care if he lives or
What a mess of a person Kang Tae now has to deal
with, on more and more occasions. This
"princess", living in an isolated creepy mansion
near the hospital, constantly verbally insults
him, but then will try and seductively cozy up
to him in the same encounter. Kang Tae, despite himself,
seems moved by Moon Young's clear psychiatric
disorder and her pleas for attention from him.
He's obviously so lonely himself that whatever
web she spins he is helpless to extricate
himself from it entirely. Although a nice normal
nurse working at this hospital, named Nam Joo Ri
(Park Gyu Young), likes him, he pays her no
attention at all, even though she would have
made a much more normal match for him, since
they both work in the same profession and both
have compassion for others. Even so, when have
men ever been smart about women? Joo Ri ends up having
growing feelings for Moon Young's long-suffering
publicist, Lee Sang In (Kim Joo Hun) instead,
and he for her. Their growing affection for each
other was nice to watch, and Kang
Tae really loses out on the
far better woman. He seems oblivious to this
fact and totally falls for the troubled Moon
Young. Joo Ri even had the far better, more
normal mother, Kang Sun Duk (played with her
usual flair by veteran actress Kim Mi Kyung) who
feeds them all on a daily basis while also
dishing out bits of wisdom about life. (Even
I wished to have a mother just like her!).
While all this is happening Sang Tae has
been concentrating on painting a mural on the
hospital's wall, a commission for pay. That
looks like a positive development in his life,
but even that is not to last long.
Even when Kang Tae and Moon
Young plan to take a holiday together it doesn't
work out. They fight again and break up
immediately. The twists and turns in their
relationship were extremely annoying to watch.
So too is her family situation, which goes from
bad to worse when her father's condition
deteriorates even more, and her mother turns out
to be still alive and - a shock - a longtime
nurse at the same psychiatric hospital (come
on, gimme a break!) named Park Haeng Ja
(veteran actress Jang Young Nam). This is when I
really started to check out mentally from this
drama. It was all just too much silliness. It
felt like the writer was just throwing globs of
paint against a wall and hoping a pretty picture
would result, but by the end I was yelling with
relief, "Thank God this mess is over!" :)
I would have been far
happier with this story if the primary emphasis
had been on the brothers' story. That should
have remained the foundation of the story, and
it would have ended up a unique masterpiece. Kim
Soo Hyun and Oh Jung Se did give excellent
performances as the brothers who loved and
needed each other. How heart-warming it would
have been to show those two characters growing
together as a family, and dealing with their sad
past effectively as time went on, getting
qualified psychiatric professional help when
they needed it. That would have been an
inspiring way to teach the audience about mental
dysfunctions, especially autism. Throwing in a
campy, unrealistic romance drew away from this
possibility big time. Autistic people deserve
more understanding than they got here. The
writer was clearly out of her element writing
about the subject.
The two best Korean dramas on the subject of
mental issues remain 2014's It's
Okay, That's Love, and 2020's Fix
You. It's Okay To Not Be Okay,
which ripped off the title of the far superior
K-drama to some extent, doesn't come close to
these true masterpieces. Watch them instead.