Love Alarm
사랑 경보
CJ E&M (2019) 8 Hour Long Episodes
Science Fiction, Romance Derived from WebToon
Grade: B
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
OST Piece: Trauma
I chose
to watch this short Korean drama Love Alarm
(2019) because of its lead actress, Kim So Hyun, whom
I've watched grow up from a little girl in multiple
dramas over a decade's time. She is always worth
watching, and always makes a show better by her very
presence. She never over-acts and always gives
thoughtful, intelligent performances. I am quite her
This show had some Netflix money behind it, so the
cinematography and other production values reflected
the big budget spent on it. While I don't ordinarily
gravitate to teenage themed subject matter in
K-dramas, when the writer adds something extra -- in
this case an interesting science fiction take on a
specific phone app that can change millions of
people's lives -- I am more likely to tune in.
Fair warning, though: this drama
has an open ending, which leaves you guessing about a
major romantic choice the lead female character will
make (and I HATE open endings the most, and
immediately lower the grades on any drama that I see
having them, because I consider them big teases). I
really wish Korea would knock it off with these open
endings, they do this way too often and it's
frustrating to the viewer, to invest hours of their
precious time and then not to receive closure on the
characters' lives; very few K-dramas get
sequels, and even in the rare instances they do they
are almost always inferior to the original series.
The Story: Kim JoJo (Kim So Hyun) is an upbeat
high school student, an orphan who lives with her
maternal aunt (Park Sung Yun) and female cousin Park
Gool Mi (Go Min Si), though they often give her a hard
time, forcing her to work in the family's convenience
store when she's not at school, to help pay for her
room and board. Her grandmother (Kim Young Ok) is
still alive but in a coma in the hospital. When she
finds time JoJo visits her and cuddles with her in the
hospital bed. "Don't leave me granny or I'll be
completely alone," is a common sentiment JoJo
expresses to granny, even though it's not clear if
granny hears her words of love.
When a new male student arrives at the
high school, named Hwang Sang Ho (Song Kang), he
causes quite a stir because he is handsome, rich, and
the son of a famous actress Jeong Mimi (Song Sun Mi) and an often absent politician
father. JoJo seems attracted to him but she's on her
guard because she's never been in love before and he
seems to be rather pushy in his pursuit of her.
What complicates matters is a new cell phone app that
many teens seem to be downloading, a Love Alarm app,
that can tell a user if someone is in love with them
if they are 10 meters or less away from where they are
standing. Although it can easily be abused, this app
causes a revolution among the younger generations in
Korea pretty quickly, and the app becomes partly
responsible for bringing JoJo and Sang Ho together as
a romantic couple, an event that causes lots of gossip
in their school.
Ho, while at home, is closer to the home's
housekeeper (Shim Yi Young, The
Suspicious Housekeeper, Fates
and Furies) and her son Lee Hye Young
(Jung Ga Ram, Bing
Goo) than he is his own estranged
mother. Hye Young was given that name by his
loving mother because it means "Eternal Grace" and
she liked the sound of it.
Interesting Love Triangle:
Sang Ho, JoJo, Hye Young
Maybe there is
something in a name after all, because Hye Young
is kind, patient, loving toward his friend, a
young man of excellent character (and of course he
was my favorite bias in the show!). Hye Young also
falls in love with JoJo, though he keeps his
feelings to himself for quite a long time.
Nevertheless, JoJo can sense he's a good person
and is warm to him whenever they are together,
although Hye Young keeps his distance once he
finds out Sang Ho likes her, too. How noble!
However, Sang Ho is no dummy and soon realizes his
best friend has romantic feelings for JoJo too.
JoJo's Love Alarm on her cell phone goes off when
she's around Sang Ho, but not when she's around
Hye Young (more's the pity, in my opinion).
complications result when JoJo's ornery,
self-absorbed cousin Gool Mi steals 3000 dollars
from JoJo that the girl was saving for her
future college tuition once she graduated high
school. Gool Mi gossips viciously about JoJo at
school, due to her jealousy because she likes
Sang Ho, too, causing JoJo to lose friends and
eventually to question her relationship with
Sang Ho. JoJo mysteriously breaks up with Sang
Ho, without being honest about her real reasons.
Her quiet male high school friend Chun Duk Goo (Lee
Jae Eung, good performance), who seems to be
the secret developer of the app) puts a
"shield" on her cell's Love Alarm app (and
tells her only the app developer can remove
it), so that it will prevent anyone from
knowing if she has love feelings for them.
When she stands next to Sang Ho it no longer
goes off like it did before, upsetting the
young man terribly. Their break up seems
At the end we briefly cut to three years in
the future and an important update to the Love
Alarm app is about to be introduced to the
nation by its mysterious developer (only JoJo
seems to have the knowledge of who he really
is). JoJo, Sang Ho, and Hye Young all end up
meeting again. JoJo seems to be softening to
Hye Young, and he confesses his true feelings
to her, finally, but Sang Ho is also still on
the horizon, convinced JoJo never got over
What choice will JoJo make? At the end it's
not revealed, we are left hanging, and that's
why I hate open endings. I can take sad, I can
take happy, but I can't take open endings!
Perhaps there will be a season two, but I
won't hold my breath. (Update in 2021:
well, I can breathe again, because a sequel Love
Alarm 2 finally started up in March
2021, two years after the original). ;) I will
write a separate
review for the sequel.