In-Soon Is Pretty
인순이는 예쁘다
(2007) KBS 16 Episodes
Melodrama, Romance, Grade: A
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
The Korean drama In-Soon
Is Pretty (2007) is an often dark and
powerfully emotional experience, especially for people
who have struggled to return to normalcy after bitter
early mistakes they've made in their lives. The show is
virtually carried solo, in my opinion, by its lead
Hyun-joo Kim (All
That Glitters, Into
The Sunlight, Partner,
Over Flowers), due to her
magnificent, bravura performance in the title role. I'm
not saying the supporting cast aren't all good, in fact,
they are excellent, it's just that the other characters
all pale in comparison to the astoundingly beautiful
Miss Kim as In-Soon. The expressions which move across
her face constantly are hypnotizing! Her doe eyes
glisten, her skin glows, her lips tremble, all the
emotions the character is feeling are always clearly
obvious on her face -- there's not one inscrutable
moment where you aren't sure what she is thinking. This
actress would have made a perfect silent film star, she
doesn't really need words to communicate emotions.
In this Story her character, In-Soon Park, went
to jail when she was in high school, for an accidental
killing that occurred after she got into a fight with a
fellow student who was bullying her. She spends 15 years
in prison and then comes out to face the cold, cruel
world, with no college degree and only armed with a
pastry chef certificate and a handful of friends who are
willing to help her out so that she can try and lead as
normal a life as possible. She flounders many times, but
she tries to think positively, falling back on an old
mantra she often recites to herself, "In-Soon is pretty!
In-Soon is nice! In-Soon is smart!"
Her eyes are the windows to her
and In-Soon (Hyun-joo Kim) is definitely pretty!
When she leaves jail the first person to help her is one
of the teachers who had been present when the fight had
occurred all those years before, Kyung Joo Seo (Hyo Sup
Uhm). He is divorced and has a cute little son whom In-Soon loves
to mother. He has many wise words of advice for her and
even tries to get her a job in his school's cafeteria.
In-Soon also meets up with an old friend she had known
in middle school, news reporter Sang Woo Yoo (Min Joon
Kim from Damo),
and he is encouraging as well, even after he hears the
truth of what happened to her. In all the early set-up
scenes I thought the writers
did a great job taking on the subject of school
bullying, and the social stigma ex-convicts face when
they try to enter the work force.
In-Soon had been
raised by her grandmother, who died right before she
was released from jail. She goes to live with an
aunt for a brief while, and then with a girlfriend,
though the friend really would love for her to leave
as soon as possible so that she and her boyfriend
can fool around. She looks for work, without much
success; even her baking certificate doesn't help
her once people hear she is an ex-con.
Her aunt finally admits to her that her mother
didn't die, as she had been told, but is very much
alive and is a wealthy and famous stage actress, Sun
Young Lee (Young Hee Nah, from My
Love From Another Star). She lives in a
gorgeous mansion with a daughter she had had with
her second husband from whom she is divorced,
In-Soon's step-sister Jung Ah Kim (Hyo Rim Seo, from
Of A Woman, That
Winter The Wind Blows, and Master's
Sun). In-Soon goes to see Sun Young
perform in a play and then gets cold feet about
revealing her true identity, simply asking for an
autograph instead. Then In-Soon's aunt contacts Sun
Young and reveals that her daughter needs her;
though this will disrupt the actress' life she does
seem to want to reach out to In-Soon. Later, Sun
Young collapses from stomach pains, and it's In-Soon
who comes upon her on the ground by her car and
picks her up and rushes her to the emergency room.
When In-Soon sees her step-sister arrive, she leaves
the hospital, but then Sun Young opens her eyes,
realizes that the one who carried her to the
hospital was her long-lost daughter and she gets up
and goes outside to find her. Mother and daughter
have a tearful reunion and then In-Soon formerly
meets her step-sister as well.
In-Soon meets her mother Sun
Young for the first time,
but the relationship soon becomes rocky
The world seems to change overnight for In-Soon. She
moves in to her mother's mansion, takes a spare
room, and suddenly she has gained a mother and a
sister. From poverty to luxury overnight! To cover
up the fact from the public that she had had another
daughter she hires In-Soon to be her assistant.
In-Soon and her sister Jung Ah bond, and even go out
drinking at a karaoke place together, much to the
annoyance of their status-conscious mother. They
laugh that they will never be like the estranged
step-sisters in the Cinderella story. However, once
again, In-Soon's happiness and sense of security are
short-lived. Her mother overhears In-Soon and her
friend Sang Woo discussing her prison term,
and when In-Soon realizes that her mother knows
she is a convicted murderer she becomes hysterical
and chases her mother into a parking garage as she
tries to drive away, accusing her of abandoning
her as a baby, which is the real reason her life
had spiraled into darkness.
Distraught, In-Soon packs her
bags and goes to a subway terminal. She plans
to commit suicide by throwing herself in front
of a train. "People commit suicide because
they are angry!" she states to herself, and
just as she gets ready to jump in front of an
oncoming train, a man standing near her falls
onto the tracks instead, he was sloshed drunk!
"Ahjussi! (Mister!)", she screams and jumps
onto the tracks to save him. At that moment
In-Soon has a revelation: she will never be a
quitter again, she wants to live, and live
life to the fullest, and she wants to love and
be loved. She goes back home, faces her
mother, and demands that she be given her just
due as her daughter. Her mother apologizes to
her, at last. All her life In-Soon had
struggled with issues of self-worth. As her
former teacher tells her, "You have to love
yourself first, before others will find you

Her heroic act to save the man makes her
famous in the media as "The Subway Girl" and
suddenly new doors are open to her to find
success on her own terms. Her relationship to
her mother is revealed to the press, no longer
covered up, and she gives multiple interviews
about her heroic act in saving the man. Even
the school that turned her away as a cook
wants her to come do a motivational speech to
the schoolchildren about the importance of
doing good deeds in one's life. One senses,
however, that In-Soon's mother, the famous
actress, feels more than a little put out by
the limelight focusing on In-Soon and not her.
step-sister Jung Ah also
starts getting a nice story of her own, with
a possibility of romance thrown in when a
young man enters all their lives who was
In-Soon's adopted brother, Geun Soo Jang (my
beloved Lee Wan). He was always pretty much
a troublemaker and likes to stir the pot!
Watch out, bad news arriving! However, I
enjoyed watching this actress in a more
timid, sweet role for a change. She usually
plays the B in dramas.
The main
story remains In-Soon's. Now that new
employment opportunities open up to her, it
seems it's a bit easier for In-Soon to
decide among work choices, but perhaps it's
not as easy to decide what path she will
take toward accepting true love into her
life. She feels conflicted between the two
men who seem to care about her the most, the
news reporter and old school chum Sang Woo,
or the teacher who had been there for her
for years, Kyung Joo, and his little boy she
so dearly loves. One may be more handsome
(though a bit sanctimonious at times!), but
the other probably needs her much more and
just doesn't realize it. Which man should
she choose?
This story ends in a largely positive and
uplifting manner. It's really worth your
while to enjoy this very special show, even
if just to feast your eyes on one of the
best K-drama performances ever given, by its
star, actress Hyun-joo Kim. She is
a luminous actress.