생각해 내다
aka Remember: War Of The Son
SBS (2015-16) 20 Episodes, Grade: A+
Legal Melodrama / Crime / Revenge / Masterpiece
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
There are less than
fifty Korean dramas out of the five hundred plus which I
have watched that I can truthfully call masterpieces --
the unforgettable K-dramas that move you to your very
soul and whose characters almost become like family to
you because they are so real, so well developed. The
dramas that are so profound they actually educate you
and inspire you, as well as entertain you.
Remember (2015-2016) is one of those masterpieces.
Written by screenwriter Yoon Hyun Ho, who won the 2014
Daejong Film Award (similar to our Oscar) for his hit
film The Attorney, his writing for Remember
is taut, intelligent, and realistic and never misses a
beat. I was mightily impressed that he also had the guts
to bring up biblical morality at times, even having
characters quoting Holy Scripture. Amazing!
You'd wait forever for Hellyweird to make a TV show or film
quoting the Bible, unless it was to MOCK it! The pace of
Remember is also perfect for a marathon because
the cliffhangers at the end of each episode make you
want to keep watching without stopping because they're
so exciting and dramatic.
The acting by all the cast is SIMPLY OUT OF THIS
WORLD STELLAR! This includes the incredible
performance by the lead actor Seung Ho Yoo, whom I have
watched since he was just a little tyke in the 2002 film
The Way Home. Remember was his first big
hit drama after honorably completing his two year
military service in December, 2014. Previous to Remember
my favorite performance of his was Operation
Proposal in 2012, and I also loved him in
the film Blind with Kim Ha Neul, as well as
K-dramas Arang
and the Magistrate, I
Miss You, Imaginary
Cat, I Am
Not A Robot, Ruler:
Master of the Mask, and Sad
Love Story. Only 22 years old when he made Remember,
with all his vast past acting
experience, he brought in a far more mature performance
than anyone else in Korea could have given at the same
age. No male idol actor cutting his baby teeth on his
first drama role could have matched him, that's for
I simply adore actor Seung Ho
Yoo -
I'd watch him read the phone book!
enjoyed excellent ratings that quickly climbed from
around 6% in its first episode to over 20% by the
last episodes and over 23% in the Seoul Metropolitan
area. Most Korean dramas average under 10% for their
entire runs. Usually word of mouth in Korea helps to
grow a superior show's ratings by leaps and bounds,
since the Koreans will go to school or work the next
day and discuss what they were watching the night
before. Dramas that are obviously superior to the
norm stand out quickly to the Koreans!
Actor Nam Goong Min:
It's a little disturbing
when your villain
eye candy is this evil and
A large reason why Remember was so popular,
apart from Seung Ho Yoo's incredible performance as
the hero, was the shockingly realistic performance
by Nam Goong Min (I
Need Romance 3, My
Rosy Life, Can
You Hear My Heart, Cheongdam-dong
Alice), as the story's main villain. His
character was Evil Incarnate, criminally insane, a
spoiled rich man's son, paranoid, a clear sociopath,
a cocaine and alcohol abuser, and he would fly off
the handle at any provocation, erupting into rages,
even in public.
His character thought his
money, his corrupt father, and lawyer sister Yeo
Kyung (Hye Song Jung) would protect him from his
sins and his crimes, including rape and murder. The
character's absurd twitches, grimaces, and his
nervous tics actually made me laugh out loud at
times, he was such a total nutcase that you were
glued to your set watching him in fascination! I
grew to know this character so well that by the
middle to end of the show I could predict what he
was going to do and say next! In one later episode
that I was watching with my daughter his character
was handed a tape recorder with some evidence
incriminating him in a murder. I said to my
daughter, "I'll bet anything he is going to throw
that tape recorder onto the floor and stomp on it",
and that's exactly what he did, not even thirty
seconds later! We both laughed. Crazy villains who
just happen to be genuinely handsome - with touches
of sardonic humor to their evil personalities - can
be the most fascinating villains of all to watch! I
just hope the actor isn't type cast as a bad boy due
to this memorable role; I like when he plays good
guys, too.
The Story: A brilliant teenager with a
photographic memory, Jin Woo Seo (Seung Ho Yoo)
lives alone with his menial worker father Jae Hyuk
Seo (veteran actor Kwang Leol Jeon from Swallow
The Sun, Jung
Yi Goddess Of Fire, Hello
Monster, I
Miss You) and they are a very loving and
devoted father and son pair since they only have
each other to depend on.
We get the feeling the father has been rarely
employed the last few years; he is very childlike
and simple and is no doubt taken advantage of by
employers. Finally he finds a job as a janitor of a
resort off the beaten path that caters to the sons
of rich men who like to party on the weekends; he
goes off to work there one day to clean the place
and his life, and his son's life, will never be the
Attending a closed, secret party there, where drugs
and booze reign supreme, is the only son of the
fabulously wealthy Ilho Business Conglomerate, Nam
Gyu Man (Nam Goong Min), who takes one look at the
old man and tells his often abused personal
secretary, Soo Bum Ahn (cool actor Si Un Lee from Late Night
Restaurant, Falling
For Innocence, Shark,
2 Hearts) to get rid of him, that he is
embarrassing to look at.
Gyu Man then gets high on cocaine and booze and he
enters the dressing room of the trot singer hired
for the evening, Oh Jung Ah (Bo Bae Han), with a
lurid gleam in his eye. She is never again to see
the light of day; he rapes and murders her and then
deposits her body in the woods to make it look like
she was the random victim of some criminal. She was
actually a neighbor of Jin Woo and his father Jae
Hyuk, and they were close with her father (Mang Sang
Hun) as well.
We then cut to the
morning, and Jin Woo's father is lost in the woods,
he obviously got lost trying to find his way home,
as people with early Alzheimer's often do; Jin Woo
calls his cell phone and his father tells him he
doesn't know where he is; Jae Hyuk then stumbles on
the dead body of the singer, collapsing next to her
in shock. Jin Woo tracks his father's location on
his new cell phone and finally finds him in the
forest, shocked as well to see the dead body of
their neighbor and even more shocked to hear that
his father doesn't remember who she is: it's the
first inkling he gets that his father's memory is
failing him. He ends up being officially diagnosed
with Alzheimer's disease. So here we have a son with
a photographic memory, and a father with dementia!
In the hospital, the police arrive and try to
question Jae Hyuk and can get nothing out of him; he
doesn't remember a thing. The murder of the singer
makes national news and this is when the audience
begins to suspect how deeply corrupt many official
justice entities are in reality: the federal and
state governments, the police, the courts, the
jails. Money talks and Gyu Man's rich father, Nam Il
Ho (Jin Hee Han) has been paying everyone off so
that his son is not arrested for the singer's rape
and murder.
A corrupt detective and cop Han
Soo Kwak (Young Woong Kim - excellent performance),
paid off big time to subvert justice, arrests the
confused Jae Hyuk for murder at the funeral of his
friend and neighbor's daughter, to the stunned
reaction of everyone there, and especially of son
Jin Woo. Poor Jae Hyuk is taken to a secret location
and coaxed / forced to sign a confession that he
killed the singer -- when he doesn't remember a
thing. The perfect set up -- or so the villains
think -- blame the heinous crime on a poor man with
encroaching dementia who can't defend himself
Sung Woong Park gives yet
perfect performance in Remember
Jin Woo, troubled beyond measure,
tries to hire a big name defense lawyer to defend
his father, an arrogant, cocky man who claims to
have never lost a case, Dong Ho Park (amazing actor
Sung Woong Park from Baker
King Kim Tak Goo, Bridal
Mask, Cain
and Abel). The man who basically raised
him was gangster Suk Joo Il (Lee Won Jong from Partner)
so his morality has been compromised along the way
to think of money first, not people. He tells Jin
Woo bluntly that only if he comes up with a huge
pile of money will he consider taking the case, so
Jin Woo goes out and gambles illegally and by using
his photographic memory wins big at the gambling
table. Jin Woo dumps all the money on Dong Ho's
office desk and yells at him to make good on his
word. Dong Ho STILL hesitates! This might end up
being his first lost case.
Dong Ho and Jin Woo also have a
personal connection: both had relatives die on the
same day during the same car accident, Jin Woo's
mother and brother had died, and Dong Ho's father
had died. Neither understands -- at first -- what
really happened that day, so they each blame the
other family for the accident. It takes a lot of
coaxing, begging, pleading by Jin Woo for Dong Ho to
finally take the case, but he does so in such a
tentative way that Jin Woo isn't sure until the last
moment that he'll show up in court.
Dong Ho is too smart not to know
that shady elements are behind pinning this crime on
an innocent man with Alzheimer's disease who cannot
adequately defend himself. Tragically, the dice are
too well set in motion by the bad guys; Jin Woo's
poor father is convicted of a murder he did not
commit when expert "witnesses" (paid off) testify
against him and weapons are manipulated and test
results fabricated.
I hope veteran actor Kwang
Leol Jeon
as Jin Woo's father gets lots
of acting
awards for this role - he was superb!
Jin Woo vows his revenge. We cut to four years later
and he has become a very young new lawyer, since he
aced law school and the bar exam in a short period
of time due to his photographic memory. He pushes
for a re-trial for his poor father, who cannot
remember him anymore. He has been on death row all
this time, and his health is failing him too.
Against all odds a re-trial is eventually granted
and the evil Gyu Man is back on the hot seat, with
an order by his father to clean up his messes pronto
or they will negatively affect the family business.
Gyu Man is just as crazy as
before, with a hot temper he uses to frighten anyone
in his way, and he even gives orders to target
witnesses for death if they dare to change their
former testimonies from the first trial. Too many
people know or suspect privately that he was the
real killer, and someone is bound to break their
silence eventually. His right hand man, the bullied
Soo Bum, is also in the possession of the real
weapon used to kill the singer. Gyu Man has no idea
that he has kept it all this time, he thought it was
discarded. Soo Bum hands the crucial piece of
evidence to Jin Woo out of revenge against Gyu Man,
but it's not long before Gyu Man figures it out; his
usual punishment against Soo Bum was hitting him
with a baseball bat -- now he has him padlocked away
in a warehouse with no food or water! Monster! I'm
not sure whether the writer was trying to suggest a
homo-erotic relationship between these two strangely
tied at the hip men, but it sure reminded me of a
husband committing domestic violence repeatedly
against his oppressed wife!

A person who does change his mind is the former
corrupt cop Han Soo Kwak, whose lies basically
brought about the death penalty judgment against
an innocent man; he has a spiritual change,
becomes a born again Christian and Bible believer,
and wants to make recompense, even if it means he
goes to jail himself. He figures he has nothing to
lose: Gyu Man has already tried to get rid of him
several times. He just might be safer off in jail!
Longing for justice for Jae Hyuk:
In Ah, Jin Woo, Jae Ik, Bo Mi
Jin Woo is helped in the retrial by his childhood
friend Lee In Ah (Park Min Young from Healer,
Hunter) who became a prosecutor
because of Jin Woo's father's case. When she
realizes people she has worked with in the court
system are corrupt, including her boss with
gangster ties, Hong Moo Suk (Eom Hyo Seop), she
resigns from her position as prosecutor and joins
Jin Woo's private practice; they work alongside
two trusted professionals and friends, lawyer Song
Jae Ik (Hyeong Bum Kim), and secretary with nerves
of steel Bo Mi Yeon (Jung Eon Lee). They also have
a judge who is quietly sympathetic to Jin Woo's
case, handsome Suk Kyu Kang (Jin Woo Kim), and he
ultimately grants the retrial.
Through lots of risky investigative work, Jin
Woo's team finally is on the cusp of getting true
justice for Alzheimer's victim Jae Hyuk, but will
they be able to prove their case and have Jae Hyuk
vindicated before the horrible stress of being in
jail without proper medical attention causes Jae
Hyuk's bodily functions to fail him?
There are many more fantastic twists and turns in
the story that I will not elaborate on, this show
is like being on a roller coaster, so you simply
need to watch this masterpiece of a legal
melodrama and enjoy it on your own. Some
characters change for the worse, and others redeem
themselves. It's a not to be missed Korean drama,
every minute filled with excitement and tension.
You will probably also learn things about the law
that you never knew before, or at least the law as
it is practiced in South Korea. The courtroom
scenes particularly are DAEBAK! (Amazing!) Enjoy!
(Caution: Spoilers)

I literally stood up and cheered!!!
Gyu Man: "Just what does that mean?"
It means what it says. :)