I watched Taste Of Curry (2014) with my daughter Tina and we both enjoyed it, even though it was bittersweet by the end. In fact I would deem this one hour Korean Drama Special as my top favorite out of over 100+ watched over the years!
The Story: Our short story is about two people in their twenties who are connected by someone in their past who taught them both how to make curry, but it isn't revealed right away what the connection of this person in their lives was until near the end of the tale. Will that knowledge keep them together, or drive them apart?
The young woman named Yumi is struggling financially with her new curry restaurant (called Cat Restaurant!) that she created from scratch (pun intended), and the young attractive man named Gyeong Pyo who suddenly appears in her life tells her flat out it's because her curry is bland and anyone who comes to eat doesn't come back -- except for one corny fellow named Guk Jin who keeps coming because he's obviously smitten with the restaurant owner, and not the food. There's your traditional love triangle, but it's obvious pretty quickly whom she's most attracted to.
The stars were Hyun Woo (Pasta) and Jeon Hye Bin (Healer) and they worked really well together and had a lot of chemistry for a one hour drama special. I loved the way they looked at each other -- full of complex emotions! My daughter liked it so much she said, "Can we watch it again tomorrow night?" when it was over. K-drama fans don't know what they are missing by not watching the shorter dramas and specials. They often have just as much sweetness and excellence as the longer K-drama series.
Some of the passion yet gentleness of this piece could be attributed to Harry Belafonte's (RIP, 2023) lovely classic folk song recording from the 1960's, Malaika, playing very quietly in the background several times, which of course charmed me, and afterward I had to go download it on Amazon. I've always loved him as a performer.
Enjoy this drama special, it's embedded here from YouTube. Maybe watch it with a freshly cooked plate of delicious curry in your lap that you can munch on! :)