The Item
MBC (2019) 32 Episodes
Supernatural Mystery, Horror, Crime
Grade: A
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
(Warning: Spoilers)
A gripping
supernatural tale, similar to a classic
Hitchcock film mystery in execution, but based
on a Korean webtoon, The Item (2019)
K-drama never left me bored for one minute. I
couldn't wait till the next episodes arrived,
and I kept thinking about where the drama
writer, Jung Yi Do (Save
Me), would take this macabre tale
week by week. Oh, I was majorly hooked!
Because most K-dramas are on during the family
hour on their television schedules we rarely
see dramas that could be called horror tales,
but this one bucked that trend, big time.
Since I never read the webtoon I had no idea
how faithful the drama was to that story; all
I knew was that I found this drama quite
hypnotic. While I had dropped Save
Me after the first episode, not
taken at all by the story of a cult church
hurting humble families, I seemed to have no
qualms about watching The Item, even
though the two main Satanic characters in both
dramas were completely obsessed by the evil
within themselves. Maybe the difference was
that I am fonder of watching the actor who
played the evil one in The Item, Kim
Kang Woo (Story
Of A Man, Missing
Noir M). He always gives
fascinating performances, whether playing a
good guy or a bad guy, or a mix in-between.

I was quite pleasantly surprised by the
performance of the official leading man,
Joo Ji Hoon (Mask).
This was the first performance of his that
I felt wasn't usurped by a more famous
leading lady's flamboyant persona; here he
was able to play his own person, his own
man, without any sappy romantic
entanglements to weigh him down. In fact I
thought the greatest personal chemistry he
had with a fellow cast member in The
Item came with the second female
lead, played by delightful Kim Yoo Ri
(unforgettable as the second female lead
in Master's
Sun). It wasn't even overtly
romantic, but you could see the sparks
there, on a different level. I would be
thrilled if they paired these two talented
thespians up in a romantic comedy drama in
future. There's no denying screen
chemistry when you see it! Sometimes
Westerners seem to notice these things
better than the Koreans themselves!
Onstage or Off: Real
Chemistry is Undeniable!
The Story:
Handsome detective Kang Gon (Joo Ji Hoon)
moves to a new apartment complex looking for a
new start, with his young, mute niece Kang Da
In (Shin Rin Ah, Return),
after she had been traumatized by the death of
her only living parent, her father, his
brother (delightful Lee Seung Joon from Descendants
of the Sun and Hyde
Jekyll and I, Cameo) in an
apparent car accident (later to be revealed as
a murder). Living in the same building is a
pretty woman named Shin So Young (Jin Se Yeon,
Mask, Doctor
Stranger), a talented police
profiler, whom Kang Gon had seen in a strange
dream falling from the top of a skyscraper!
As it turns out, her father Shin Koo Cheol
(veteran actor Lee Dae Yeon, Lawless
Lawyer), works in the same
department as he does, so right away there is
a familiarity there (also helped by the fact
that early on Kang Gon saves So Young's life
when a pot falls mysteriously from an
apartment window and he pushes her out of the
way of its path). Another strange dream has
been afflicting Kang Gon, in which he saves a
large group of people involved in an out of
control train that won't stop. In the dream a
beaded bracelet he is wearing glows and gives
him a supernatural power to stop the train
from crashing into people waiting at a
station. He wonders if this is just a dream,
or a premonition of an event to happen in the
enough, any peace and quiet in new
surroundings that Kang Gon had hoped for,
abruptly disappears. Satanic forces seem to be
at work to destroy both him and his niece, and
So Young as well, perhaps connected with a
tragedy from over a decade earlier, where an
amusement park tower had caught fire and many
people had been killed. So Young had lost her
mother in the tragedy, and Kang Gon's father
had been falsely accused of being involved in
starting it.
The real
culprits come from the chaebol world of rich
businessmen, who all wanted to protect their
hides from the legal ramifications of the
fire. The paid off judge finds them all not
guilty of negligence which caused the fire
(for instance, no sprinklers were installed to
put out fires but this judge doesn't seem to
find fault with that! money talks!).
ridiculous verdict enrages the Roman Catholic
priest who is a personal friend of police
profiler So Young and her Dad, named Koo Dong
Young (Park Won Sang, Shark,
because many children from the Catholic school
had been killed in the flames. Unknown to
people for quite some time the deranged priest
has been quietly taking out the rich
businessmen, murdering them in various grisly
ways. The police are completely stymied about
the killings because there are no
incriminating evidences left behind as each
man is murdered. There is a creepy
supernatural reason for that, which we are to
find out as the drama progresses.
In control of all of them in various ways is
the biggest Satanic force of all, the filthy
rich chaebol Jo Se Hwang (Kim Kang Woo), who
had actually set the fire in the tower with a
cigarette lighter. He is filled with mystery:
as a child he had been cruelly treated by an
evil father, watched his mother commit suicide
when he was ten years old, and he had never
received therapy for any of it, creating a
monster on the inside who takes his secret
jollies out of hurting others and destroying
their lives.
His main goal in life, besides getting rid of
his enemies, is to find 12 items left behind
by people who had died in the tower fire years
earlier, since afterward these items had
started to possess strange supernatural
powers, like causing people to disappear, or
to change from one identity to another, to
lose total control of their faculties, or to
save people at risk of death, etc. Their power
is something this evil, tormented man craves.
One of these items is a bracelet that has made
the rounds of several owners, who all become
obsessed with it, and it one day falls into
the innocent hands of little Da In. From that
moment on Se Hwang is out to kill the child
and her uncle, to get the bracelet from them.
At one point Se Hwang seems to succeed in
killing Da In, but her soul and spirit become
trapped in an alternate universe. However, she
is able to communicate to her uncle that she
is still alive, by playing her melodica
instrument, which she had used previously to
communicate with him since she is mute. Each
note stands for a different word, and he can
decipher that she is okay. Strangely enough,
in this alternate world Da In can finally
speak. If she is ever rescued will her voice
still be restored, or will she lose it again
once on the other side?
Don't You Just Love A
Strong Woman In K-Dramas? :)
In order
to save his niece Da In from this horrible
alternate universe, Kang Gon works with a
diverse team: supportive criminal profiler So
Young, her cop father Koo Cheol, a district
attorney named Han Yoo Nah (Kim Yoo Ri) who
has been watching the evil Se Hwang cautiously
for years, a funny prisoner named Bang Hak Jae
(Kim Min Kyo), and a quiet contemplative man
named Ha Seung Mok (Hwang Dong Joo).
The main question of the drama then becomes
the age old question: will good prevail over
evil by the end? The conclusion has something
to do with the title of the drama. Since we
know it's called The Item, but there seem to
be 12 items, why isn't the show called The
Items, instead of The Item (single)? That's
what we will discover by this clever ending.
If you love a compelling mystery tale that
keeps you on the edge of your seat, you'll
find few K-dramas which will engage you like
this one. Enjoy!