W - Two
MBC (2016) 16 Episodes
Grades: A for Acting, C for Script
Science Fiction, Romance, Crime
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
W (2016)
Korean drama was sold to the public as something
different, unique, and special, and it quite had me
for awhile, until about half-way through the drama
when I started to get the distinct impression that the
well regarded female K-drama writer Song Jae Jung (Nine:
Nine Time Travels, Queen
In-Hyun's Man, The
Three Musketeers) really had no idea where
she was going with her science-fiction concept for
this drama, but that instead she was simply throwing
paint against a wall and hoping it would stick and
form into something resembling a masterpiece
like the Mona Lisa, instead of what it ended up
looking like to me: a disturbed kindergarten
child's finger paint drawing which was nothing more
than a gooey mess -- all done in one color, RED (symbolic of bloodshed!).
I turned away from American television because I was
sick of the amount of violence I saw in its shows;
I look to Korea for an escape from that, and what
did I get with this drama? Too many cold-blooded
murders, even of children! No, thank you. Later I read
that the writer felt she should apologize to the fans
for her lack of organization in writing the story --
she obviously didn't have an ending firmly decided on
before the drama started shooting, or even as the end
drew near. That was humble of her to apologize, but it
still left me frustrated that I had been so invested
in the story in the beginning, and then eventually I
became excited for one thing
only: that it
would end quickly so I could watch other, better
So little made sense in the
story, as the two main characters crossed back and
forth between two alternate time dimensions, with
characters dying brutal deaths and then some coming
back to life again repeatedly, that many fans began to
turn their backs on the story. As each chapter began I
was soon yelling out loud, "Oh no! NOT MORE
SHOOTING!" Adding to the negative confusion of this
time traveling story were two main characters, played
by beautiful Han Hyo Joo (Spring
Waltz) and wonderful Lee Jong Suk (I
Hear Your Voice), who barely had time to
hug and kiss throughout the whole drama -- rather they
spent 80% of the time away from each other, and only
20% together. So if fans were looking for an
intriguing, deeply emotional romance here they were
disappointed, and if they were looking for an
intriguing science fiction tale they were also
disappointed. To be sure, it had great CGI work in it,
but that can't hold a poorly written story together

Look quickly!
You don't get many love scenes
in this drama!
I'm sure in Korea they expected this
show to reach the ratings attained by worldwide
mega-hit Descendants
Of The Sun -- but they didn't come close,
averaging about 11 to 12 percent compared to Sun's
remarkable 35 to 38 percent! It's simply disappointing
that it turned out this way, after such high
expectations -- we K-drama fans often say we want to
see stories that are different than the normal
melodramas and romantic comedies they serve us all the
time, but the writers have to remember that different
alone isn't enough, they also need to be WELL WRITTEN
STORIES, no matter what the genre.
Once again, the acting was flawless in a K-drama,
which is why I had to separate the grades out of
fairness, A for acting, but a C for a mediocre,
frustrating script in which too much yanking of the
audience's chains went on. The professional acting
elevated the frustrating script to a higher plane to
some degree. However, the writing is the foundation of
any show, and even superb actors like Han Hyo Joo and
Lee Jong Suk can only do so much to try and add some
meat to a skeleton.
Story: Our story begins during a
past Olympics' event when a high school teenager
named Kang Cheol (Lee Jong Suk) is competing in a
shooting event with much older contestants from
around the world - at one point it looks like he
might lose but he pulls off a unexpected, stunning
win, helped along by his coach who also happens to
be his father (Park Choong Seon).
We then cut to years later (the
editing transition was rather poor here),
and Kang Cheol's family, including his Dad, Mom
(Kim Ja Woon), younger sister (Seo Shin Ae from Thank
You), and brother (Choi Min Young) are
seen happily watching a soccer competition on
their old TV set (props department should have
put a newer model television in the scene
instead of an old analog set, so the audience
would know the time of the soccer event on TV
was not close at all to the past Olympics'
scenes at the very beginning -- first production
mistake in this show).
The doorbell rings and the mother answers it,
thinking it will be Kang Cheol arriving to watch
the game with them, but instead she is shot in the
forehead by a mysterious intruder who is covered
from head to toe in black; the father goes
to investigate and he too is shot in his forehead.
The murderer walks into the apartment and shoots
the two children point blank in their foreheads.
Then the intruder leaves and on the way out drops
the shooting gun -- the same kind that Kang Cheol
had used to win at the Olympics -- into a pile of
rubbish down an alley. Kang Cheol arrives later
only to find his entire family murdered.
An ambitious prosecutor named Han
Cheol Ho (Park Won Sang) brings Kang Cheol up on
murder charges of his own family because of the
gun evidence! It turns out it was his actual gun
that was used to do the dirty deed and he has no
solid alibis that he wasn't anywhere near the
shootings at the time they went down. He is
sentenced to several years in jail but is
eventually let out on appeal and is determined to
find the real killer of his family. Time goes by
and apparently Kang Cheol starts his own
corporation and becomes rich.
The focus then shifts to a cardio-thoracic surgeon
named Oh Yeon Joo (Han Hyo Joo) and her
alcoholic, divorced father, writer-artist Oh Sung Moo (Kim Eui Sung, in a
creepy performance -- in more ways than one!) who
mysteriously went missing while writing the
(supposedly) last chapter of his wildly popular
web toon "W". Yeon Joo goes to his writing office
and is shocked to see a scene of the dying Kang
Cheol, the main male character of the W books, on
her father's computer screen. So now we are
introduced to the idea that Kang Cheol may not
exist in real life, but that he is only a
character in a web toon.

While reading a note left behind by her father, a
hand from the monitor pulls Yeon Joo in to Kang
Cheol's alternate web toon universe. She finds
herself on the rooftop of a building next to a
bleeding man who looks like he's been stabbed. She
manages to save him with her medical skills, and
realizes that the person she saved was Kang Cheol
himself, the character of her father's web toon.
One of the first people who arrives to give help
asks her to remain in the area to provide
testimony but she is suddenly transported back
into the real world, to her father's office, where
only a few minutes had passed while she had been
in the W world for several hours. Because of her
sudden unexplained disappearance everyone in the W
world thinks of Yeon Joo as the suspect who might
have tried to murder Kang Cheol, concluding that
she left the scene of the crime without testifying
so she must be guilty (then why did she save
him? - another messy plot point).

Back in the "real world" Yeon Joo realizes the
incredible power of the drawing tablet of her
father, that it can be used to manipulate events
on "the other side". Due to repetitive occurrences
in which Yeon Joo is summoned to the W world, Kang
Cheol of course takes notice of her more and more,
and so do the people around him, such as his
faithful bodyguard and friend Seo Do Yoon (Lee Tae
Hwan), and his personal assistant, Yoon So Hee
(Jeong Eu Gene of Because
It's The First Time), who is not so
secretly in love with Kang Cheol, although he does
not return her affection.
Yeon Joo begins to remain in the W world a bit
longer each time and interacts more with Kang
Cheol, although sometimes odd challenges are
thrown down, for instance when he wants more information
on her but she is reluctant to give it. Love soon
begins to blossom between Yeon Joo and Kang Cheol.
Then she is identified as the person on the
rooftop who might have tried to kill Kang Cheol
and she is arrested for attempted murder. He
visits her in jail and she then confesses the
truth to him, that she comes from the "real world"
and that his world is only in a web toon and that
nothing and no one he has ever known in his life
has been real. He is shaken to his core --
especially when after the confession Yeon Joo
disappears before his eyes in the jail!
The W world comes to a halt and
everything is frozen in time except Kang Cheol. He
finds a portal and goes through it, leading him to
the real world. He finds Yeon Joo at the hospital
she works at and confronts her. Yeon Joo, whom it
is revealed invented Kang Cheol in the first place
when she was a little girl, decides she can draw
into her father's tablet to come up with her own
story conceptions, to save his life and give him a
"Happy Ending". (At this point I kept
wondering WHY, if she had the power of the pen,
she didn't draw in it to put the action back in
time to SAVE HIS FAMILY FIRST and then they
could have entered the real world with him to
safety, too. I was ticked off that the character
seemed to be forgetting his family just because
he was told they were fictitious. Your
family contributes to who you as a person, so
it's not possible to forget them, or brush them
Koreans love their
rooftop scenes!
While all this is happening, the
unknown character that embodies the true killer
starts fading away as Kang Cheol's goal for living
starts to change and he no longer feels the need
to track down the killer (this kept ticking me
off big time - what IS a family anyway,
NOTHING?). The unidentified killer threatens
to kill Kang Cheol's new family, his new love and
pretend "wife", Yeon Joo.
Kang Cheol and Yeon Joo have a few precious scenes
together before the story goes haywire again,
separates them yet again, giving us action scene
after action scene instead of romance. We are
given more senseless murders to watch, including a
large group of people at a television station shot
to death while on the air by the unknown, deranged
killer, who has taken on the face of the web toon
writer, Yeon Joo's alcoholic father. (For some
reason this actor's performance reminded me of
Ray Milland in the classic film Lost Weekend,
seeing things that were not there while under
the influence!)
Too much shooting in this
Guns are illegal in Korea, yet they
abound in W
Yeon Joo disappears again
and Kang Cheol is left to reevaluate his previous
hypothesis about the rules of the W world. Once
even more (senseless) dangerous incidents
have happened, that threaten other people besides
just themselves, Kang Cheol and Yeon Joo finally
become more motivated to kill the evil one, who
bears the face of Oh Seong Moo, the writer, while
her real father remains unconscious in his office.
(The long time in revealing who the malevolent
spirit was in this drama tried my patience most
of all! The writer kept insinuating this killer
had no motive for doing what he was doing, that
he wasn't even real -- it didn't wash for me, he
was killing too many people!).
In a big stand-off, the killer is (supposedly)
finally gotten rid of but Yeon Joo is shot in the
process and is losing a large amount of blood. She
is brought to the hospital for treatment and Kang
Cheol realizes that she might die, so he brings
her to the W world again because there he thinks
she can be saved in the fictitious world instead
of the real one. (Say what?). She is
ultimately saved but discovers when she wakes up
that Kang Cheol has been kidnapped by the evil
prosecutor Han Cheol Ho and has been left for
dead. Kang Cheol escapes with the help of the
writer's assistant Park Soo Bong's help (funny Lee
Si Eun from Remember
who brings the only real humor into this tepid
mess of a tale).
Seo Do Yoon is a loyal
and friend to Kang Cheol
Prosecutor-politician Han Cheol
Ho is infuriated that Kang Cheol keeps eluding
him, and he captures Seo Do Yoon as a hostage and
tortures him as well. Seo Do Yoon, while drugged,
accidentally reveals the information Kang Cheol
had given him, about the W world being fictional.
Han Cheol Ho meets up with Kang Cheol, frees Seo
Do Yoon and shoots Kang Cheol after he threatens
him with a surveillance footage showing him
torturing his friend.
It seems the politician wants to go to the real
world and leave the W world for good -- which
reminded me of the villain in Faith
(2012) who wanted to leave the 14th century for
the 21st and would stop at nothing so he could
bridge the two worlds! It's uncanny when certain
scenes remind you of scenes in other dramas you
have watched over the years!
Kim Eui Sung who played
both the father
and demon should get an acting award
He was chilling!
Kang Cheol escapes (again!) and
drives off until his car loses gas and stops at a
bus stop (LOSES GAS??? LOL! Was that
symbolic of this drama?). Yeon Joo,
who was treating her mentally ill alcoholic
father, hears about this from Seo Do Yoon and
drives off to find Kang Cheol. Oh Seong Moo gets
up, drugs the bodyguard watching over him, and
draws on the tablet Yeon Joo left in his room. He
writes a letter and puts together some pictures
for Kang Cheol to find and leaves them to the
bodyguard. He drives away from the motel and
witnesses a tragic scene that happens between the
dying Kang Cheol and the helpless Yeon Joo.
Tragedy (and justice) await the father and the
politician-prosecutor who had had it in for Kang
Cheol for a long, long time.
In the web toon world, Kang Cheol dies (though
by this time I didn't believe it was permanent
for one moment) and Yeon Joo witnesses this
event. She is transported back into the real world
and is sent to the hospital, due to understandably
high levels of physical and emotional exhaustion.
(SPOILER - if you even care). The drama
ends with Kang Cheol, magically alive again (sigh),
revealing the news of Yeon Joo's father's death,
and with the both of them promising to live their
own story line, just like how other couples do in
"the real world". Oh please. This was one of the
most ABNORMAL K-drama couples I've ever seen:
she obsessed over him like a thirteen year fan
girl instead of a thirty year old medical doctor,
and we barely ever see her performing her doctor
duties -- only he seems to matter to her! He
forgets his own family's murders, thinking she is
the only family he's ever had. Sigh again.
Sometimes I think I could write better dramas
I think the moral of W K-drama, if there
is one, is that caution should be used in properly
transferring a web toon into a television drama
and putting various spins on it -- it didn't work
well for other K-dramas like Cheese
In The Trap, either. Maybe some web
toons should remain as web toons, and not cross
over to Kdramaland.
My main problems with this mostly depressing drama
have to do with 1) messy writing, 2) too much
random bloodshed, and 3) the fact that his entire
family is murdered but the character of Kang Cheol
decides that only Yeon Joo means anything to him
anymore. Family is very important to me and I
didn't want Kang Cheol's family forgotten. If I
were the writer I would have saved them and
brought them into the real world. It would have
been powerfully poignant to restore everything
from the beginning and made sure the villain never
destroyed good people's lives ever again!
At the end, when Kang Cheol hands Yeon Joo a
picture of her dead father and she grieves over
it, I was thinking to myself, "Where is a picture
of Kang Cheol's family so he could grieve over the
loss of his family members too?" I felt like I did
while I watched James Cameron's Titanic,
that only the characters of "Jack and Rose" meant
anything and all the other people on the doomed
ship didn't matter at all. They were just props
for the main couple. So myopic! I usually care
just as much about side characters in K-dramas as
I do about the main ones.