When the
Stars Gossip 별들에게 물어봐 tvN / Netflix (2025) 16 Episodes
Science Fiction / Space Romance Grade: C
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA (Some Spoilers)
I hate to say
this because I've loved the lead actress Gong Hyo Jin
and lead actor Lee Min Ho for two decades, and I have
loved the scriptwriter Seo Sook Hyang's impressive other
drama works, such as Rebirth
- Next and Jealousy
Incarnate, but their latest drama When
The Stars Gossip (2025) was one of the worst
Korean dramas I've ever watched! I really thought it
should have been titled When The Stars Flopped
because it was abysmal from beginning to end. It just
goes to show that even if a studio hires the very best
actors for a drama if the screenplay stinks then it will
end up being a bomb in any case. The two stars actually
had some nice chemistry together but that alone can't
make me recommend a badly written science-fiction themed
The money must have been very lucrative for
these two fine actors to agree to do such an
implausible, ridiculous script. I hope these two beloved
actors pick better scripts in the future! Ratings were
only in the 1 to 2 percent range in Korea and if you
start watching it you'll soon see why. I lost track of
how many times I cried out while watching this: "You
have GOT to be kidding me!" LOL Especially as the
daughter of an aerospace engineer who helped design the
lunar module that landed on the moon in the Apollo years
I was extremely critical of the space "science"
displayed in this series. For instance, two people in
space get very cold and take off their spacesuits and
become naked together in a cubicle, to ostensibly get
warmer, and the female astronaut says to the male,
"That's protocol."??? ROFL!!!
OB-GYN Gong Ryong (Lee
Min Ho, Personal
Taste, City
Legend of The Blue Sea, Pachinko,
Over Flowers, Mackerel
Run) is an attractive bachelor but about
to become the anointed son-in-law of the largest
family conglomerate in Korea, called the MZ Group.
The domineering CEO and patriarch of this wealthy
family company is Choi Jae Ryong (veteran actor Kim
Eung Soo, Snow
Queen, Chuno,
Mask) and he is determined to use Gong
Ryong's scientific obstetric talents to help two
infertile women in his family become pregnant
through IVF: his daughter-in-law Na Min Jeong
(Baek Eun Hye, Black
Dog), the wife of his dead son, and his
own daughter Choi Go Eun (Han Ji Eun, 100
Days My Prince), Gong Ryong's fiance.
This patriarch badly wants grandchildren and he will
do anything to accomplish that goal.
It's obvious that Choi Go
Eun has deeper feelings for Gong Ryong than he does
for her. She has another, much more dedicated man in
love with her, a wealthy astronaut named Kang Kang
Su (Oh Jung Se, When
The Camellia Blooms, It's
Okay To Not Be Okay), but she shuns him
mercilessly. She only has eyes for Gong
Amazingly (or
maybe not so amazingly, as it turns out), Gong Ryong
is picked to be the first Korean "space tourist" to
visit the Korean space agency's first space station.
He is particularly thrilled about this opportunity
because he has a secret mission involving the IVF
experiments he wants to engage in while in space.
It's obvious there was a big pay-off in Gong Ryong's
selection as a "space tourist" and that the money
came from the patriarch of MZ Group. Gong Ryong and
the patriarch believe that IVF experiments in space
might just be more successful than experiments done
on earth (without any prior evidence backing that
In his training for his
time in space Gong Ryong meets the space team's
commander named Kim Eve (Gong Hyo Jin, Ruler
Of Your Own World, Jealousy
Incarnate, It's
Okay That's Love, Thank
You, Pasta,
Greatest Question, Hello
My Teacher, Sang-doo
Let's Go To School, When
The Camellia Blooms, Master's
Sun). This is her first mission as a
commander so she is very stern and strict about
every little necessary procedure to be accomplished
under her watchful eye. However, she still fails to
notice some of Gong Ryong's secrets, like hiding
alcohol in a case disguised as a book, and sneaking
on IVF equipment and human cells for his planned
experiments in space. Incredibly, as time goes on,
it is revealed that the same bar woman named Jung Na
Mi (Jung Young Joo, My
Mister) who had raised orphaned Gong
Ryong as her own son had also given birth to an
illegitimate daughter who turned out to be Eve Kim!
She had abandoned Eve in a taxi as a baby! Aigoo!
Gong Ryong also slowly
grows close to some of the other astronauts on the
space station: Spanish Santiago Gonzalez Garcia
(Alex Hafner), Lee Seung Jun (Heo Nam Jun), and
female Mina Lee (Lee Cho Hee). The more stern
astronaut he meets is the man who is in love with
his fiance, Kang Kang Su. They develop a very testy
relationship, especially when Kang Su figures out
what Gong Ryong is hiding in an incubator. There's
also a side issue of a winning lottery ticket that
belongs to Kang Su but which the other astronauts
basically steal from him, hoping to cash it in
themselves when they return to earth!
Back on earth at Seoul
Mission Control Center the technical people in
charge of the space mission are Park Dong A (Kim Ju
Hun, Castaway
Diva, Soundtrack
#1, Encounter),
Kang Tae Hui (Lee El, Liar
Game, My
Liberation Notes), Dona Lee (Lee Cho
Hee), Han Si Won (Lee Hyun Kyun), and Ma Eun Soo
(Park Ye Young). They too are unaware of Gong
Ryong's secret IVF experiments. He even succeeds at
the IVF with his own sperm and no one catches on,
though Kang Su seems to be the only one who has
suspicions about it. Gong Ryong's other more open
experiments on fruit flies and mice are successful
and that warms Eve to him. Then when a scary problem
arises that requires the other astronauts to return
to earth, leaving Eve and Ryong alone together in
space, the inevitable happens and they become
intimate. In time it's also revealed that Eve is
pregnant with his baby! So not only the IVF
experiments were successful so too was this
unplanned human one that occurred in space! So now
will Gong Ryong have TWO babies to raise in future,
and with two different women as mothers??? (LOL!).
I usually do not write down end spoilers in my
reviews but I will divulge a tentative, obscure one
here in this review, as a further warning not to
watch this drama, especially if you dislike tragic
endings. After sixteen episodes of a convoluted
script we have a double tragedy: one of our
lead characters dies and the other lead character
becomes disabled, lame and blind! At this point I
was groaning at my television set big time!
I kept hoping for a happy miracle ending but it was
not to be.
If you love these actors then go down their acting resumes and
pick dramas of theirs to watch that you have somehow missed
over the years. Skip this one!