Drama: My Lovely
Sam Soon, Scent Of
A Woman, Masked
Prosecutor, Woman
Of Dignity, City Hall, I Do I Do,
Joa Joa, Jump, Girl Scout, Forever Yours, Winners
Night After Night, Golden Era, 8 Love Stories, S Diary
Should We Kiss First, Nobody's
Children, Secret
The Empire, Queen Of Masks
Film: Yesterday, She's On Duty, Sweet Lie, The Five,
Pitch High,
The Greatest Expectation, S Diary, Girl Scout, Operation
The Famous Tango Scene with Lee Dong Wook Scent Of A Woman
Kim Sun Ah in middle school and after starting to make it in show biz in the 1990's
My Lovely Sam Soon (2005 Drama)
With Hyun Bin
The show received around
35% ratings, which is huge
Night After Night (2008 Drama)
With Lee Dong Gun
Of A Woman (2011 Drama) With Dong Wook Lee
I think this is the best
performance of her career
Masked Prosecutor (2015 Drama) With Joo Sang Wook
Operation Chromite (2016 Film)
Great movie, very exciting!
I loved her feisty role!
Woman Of Dignity (2017 Drama)
With Hee Sun Kim
Should We Kiss First (2018 Drama)
With Kam Woo Sung
Of Nobody (2019 Drama)
Awesome drama!
Secret Boutique (2019 Drama)
The Empire (2022 Drama)
Queen Of Masks (2023 Drama)
Dancing Tango WIth Superstar Rain
When you're middle aged and the young
hunks still want to take you riding on their
bikes, you've got it made, girl! :)