Korean Actor Lee Jong Suk Picture Gallery
Warning! Cuteness Overload On This Page

: Secret Garden, I Hear Your Voice,
Doctor Stranger,
, When I Was The Prettiest, W
While You Were Sleeping, Prosecutor Princess
Hymn Of Death, Romance Is A Bonus Book

High Kick, School 2013, Gogh The Starry Night (Cameo)
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju (Cameo), Potato Star (Cameo)
Big Mouth, Seocho District (2025)
Film: Sympathy, Ghost, As One, Face Reader,
No Breathing, Hot Young Bloods, VIP, Decibel
The Plot (2024)

Lee Jong Suk Singing "Will You Know?"
from While You Were Sleeping K-Drama

How can you get ANY cuter than this???
Maybe .... this?

With the little actress from The Suspicious Housekeeper

The many acting faces of Lee Jong Suk -
Although he is cute as the dickens he
can still act up a storm!


Representative Works

Secret Garden (2010)


When I Was The Prettiest (2012)


With Park Shin Hye from Pinocchio (2014)


With actress Jin Se Yun in Doctor Stranger (2015)

A boy who loves his Mom is always endearing


With Lee Bo Young from I Hear Your Voice (2013)
My Top Favorite Lee Jong Suk Drama
And Probably Always Will Be :)


W (2016)


While You Were Sleeping (2017)
With Suzy


Hymn Of Death (2018)
With Shin Hae Sun


Romance is A Bonus Book (2019)
With Lee Na Young


Big Mouth (2022)
With Yoona


The Plot (2024 Film)
With Gang Dong Won


Seocho District (2025) Legal Drama
With Moon Ga Young


Lee began his mandatory military service on March 8, 2019.
Lee was deemed unfit to enlist as an active duty soldier
as a result of going through a car accident when he was 16
which tore a ligament with some permanent damage remaining.
He was confirmed to work as a military public service officer.
Lee was discharged on January 2, 2021.

Lee Jong Suk's Cute Lotte Duty Free Commercial
