Actress & Singer Yu Ri Sung Picture Gallery
Drama: The
Snow Queen, Birth
Secret Hong
Gil Dong, Swallow
The Sun, One Fine Day
Romance Town, 1st Love Of A Royal Prince, Feast Of The
Bad Girls, My Platoon Leader, 1000 Years Of Love, Monster
Film: Runway Cop, Disciple John Oak, Summer Snow
Emergency Act, How To Keep My Love, A Boy's Sister Chorogi and the Stalker Guy, Maybe
Variety: Healing Camp, Aren't You Happy?
Is Parting A Recall? (Host)
Singer With Idol Group Fin.K.L.
OST Song "Hello" from The Snow
The Snow Queen (2006 Drama) With Hyun Bin
"I won't be
your Oppa ..."
One Fine Day (2006 Drama) With Gong Yoo
Hong Gil Dong (2008 Drama) With Ji Hwan Kang
OST Song: If from Hong Gil Dong
Swallow The Sun (2009 Drama) With Ji Sung
Maybe (2009 Film) With Jang Hyuk
I thought Yu Ri looked most fabulous
in this compelling movie; she
should take this cinematographer
with her on every project!
Birth Secret (2013 Drama) With Yoo Joon Sang
What a lovely drama this was, so
Yu Ri gave her best performance in it, imo,
and she had great chemistry with her leading man.
Monster (2016 Drama) With Ji Hwan Kang
Yu Ri married pro golfer Ahn Sung Hyun
in 2017 in a quiet, private ceremony,
after having dated him for four years.
They now have twin daughters
born in January 2022.
I had twins too so I know how much
work they are! Please take care of yourself.