Drama: Green
Rose, Will It
Snow For Christmas? Piano, Empire Of
Gold The Flower In Prison, Flower
Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency,
Nonstop 2, The Age Of Innocence, My Fair Lady, Heart Surgeons
Marrying A Millionaire, Money Game, Missing: The Other Side 1
& 2
Parole Examiner Lee (2024) Film: Love 911, White Night, The Front Line, The Royal
The Fortress, The Tooth and the Nail, Lucid Dream, The Last
Awaiting, Haunters, Some, Way Back Home, Bystanders Variety: Saturday Night Live Korea (Host, 2023)
This scene from Will It Snow For Christmas? with Go
Soo is one of my top favorite scenes in all
K-dramas. His Mom lives far away and she calls him every night
long distance and he usually sings for her, but this night he
is sad and tired, and so she offers to sing to him instead. A
perfect scene!
Jin Son Vexes
Go Soo
in the film White
What an acting
job for both
of them!
Go Soo with Han Hyo Joo
Attempt Scene - Piano Korean Drama Classic
Go Soo began dating Kim
Hye-yeon, an art student eleven years his junior,
shortly after meeting her in 2008. The couple
married on February 17, 2012 at the Shilla Hotel in
Their son was born on January 28, 2013, and their
daughter was born on April 17, 2015.
On September 13, 2017, his wife gave birth to their
3rd child, who is their 2nd son.